I have no idea

Sep 23, 2008 20:34

I have no idea what to write on my LJ page. So I thought I might start with writing a fic on none other than my OTP Yamapi/Maki.

Author: risenjatuh
Pairing: Yamashita Tomohisa/ Horikita Maki, Yamaki
Rating: G
Word Count: 1579
Summary: Yamapi and Maki through the eyes of strangers. A collection of different accounts.
Disclaimer: Don't own these people

Notes: My first time writing a fanfic. I welcome any feedback. I apologize for any grammatical mistakes. Okay then on to the fic...

Account one

It was the start of autumn in Tokyo that day but people were still savouring the feel of summer as the clear sky and bright sun seems to mask the fall in temperature. A young man in a yellow t-shirt was walking at a leisurely pace in the not so busy part of the city when something or someone seemed to have caught his attention. Whatever was right ahead of him really got his interest judging from his quickened pace but he then stopped right in front of a convenience store. He took a look through the store's window and appeared to deliberate whether he should go into the store. He took his time in front of the store while flipping his phone and once again looking through the window this time pushing his sunglasses over his head, hesitating. A serious look on his handsome face as if it was the most difficult decision he ever had to make. The young man must had made his mind as with a shake of his head he continued to walk on but suddenly stopped short and jogged back towards the store but this time entering almost eagerly.

I did not know why the young man had caught my eyes when I was observing people walking by while waiting for my ride home. I hoped at the time that the young man will find what he was looking for in that store as he really took a while to eventually decide to go in.

Account two

The day was warm even though it was supposed to be autumn already and how I wish I did not choose that day to work. I could have gone skateboarding at the park but instead I was stuck rearranging the items on the snacks isle. Just then a girl with short dark brown hair walked past my isle to the cold beverages section at the back of the store. I did not see her face as I was crouching but noticed her wearing a white top and jeans. I heard a sigh the same time the refrigerator door opened. It must be really warm outside.

I got a sense of how the temperature actually was when a gush of warm air from the street blew into the store welcoming another customer or more since I was not really looking at the entrance. It is usually quiet around that time of day which is the hour just before the end of office hours except for Funky Monkey Babys' song playing on the radio. I was already bored rearranging snacks and decided to ignore everyone and sing along to the song loudly, but my ears immediately perked up at the sound of someone's voice.

'Maki-chan?' a guy said, I could immediately tell that the guy was trying to sound surprised. I snickered at that.

'Eh, Yamashita-kun! What are you doing here?' The girl was genuinely surprised and even a bit nervous. 'How are you? I haven't seen you in a while.' she added almost immediately.

'I'm good although I've been busy. Now that the dorama's over and there's no more shooting, I've an off day, decided to go out, never thought I’d bumped into you.’ the guy said with a small laugh.

This guy must be someone famous but I was not familiar with any Yamashita or any star for that matter, never been a fan of dorama and never will.

'How 'bout you?' the guy asked. ‘I know you must be busy, I mean I've seen the news and all....' the guy trailed off.

'Hai, I had work this morning but we finished early, so I decided to walk around. Got thirsty and ended up here.’ she paused and continued ‘You look different with that hair.' that was random I thought.

The guy laughed at that. 'Wait, good different or bad different?' a touch of concern in his voice. I snickered again.

She laughed 'Just different. I guess it'd take a while to get used to. But I think Yamashita-kun looks good no matter what.'

'You don't like it then?' the guy asked again. Dude, the girl just subtly gave you a compliment I said in my head. This guy must really care what the girl thought of him.

The girl laughed again, ‘It’s different'

'By the way I've heard your new single, the birthday song. Toma-kun asked me to listen to it when it played on the radio the other day, he said it was sung for him since he said that his birthday is close to the single release.' she added, probably trying to change the topic.

'You were with Toma?' He cut almost immediately

'Yeah, we were together for a promotion.'

'That's right, I remember him telling me about meeting you,’ the guy sounded somewhat relieved, ‘He said the same thing about the song to me too.'

There was a long pause afterwards that I almost believed they had left the store. However, I heard the guy's voice again.

'Your birthday is right before Toma's right?' the guy hesitated before adding 'think of it as a birthday song for you too Maki-chan, an early birthday present from me'

'Eh, ano... arigatou.' She said almost quietly.

Another long pause.

'I guess I better get going.' the girl said.

'Me too'

Dude, now's your chance. Walk with her. I screamed at the guy in my head.

Then as if the guy heard me,'Ano... Where are you going? I could walk with you.'

'Nowhere in particular, I just plan to walk around a bit before heading home...'

'Then I'll walk with you, I'll get these for you.'

I chose that moment to get up from my position and almost bumped into a guy wearing a yellow t-shirt with curly hair.

'Sumimasen' we both said at the same time. So this is the guy.

I never got to see the girl's face clearly. The last I saw of them is when they were exiting the store their backs to me with the girl laughing while saying 'it's different' again. I snickered at that.

Account three

It was a week into October, the air was getting chillier despite the bright day. I had my laptop in front of me and a cup of tea next to it. Every Monday afternoon I would sit at this spot to update my blog. The place is a cafe in the centre of Tokyo and I chose a seat facing the street, I can almost see the whole length of the street. Whenever I found I have nothing to write, I gaze outside to see anyone in particular that would interest me. This was one of those days.

I spotted them, a very young couple, coming out of a restaurant on the other side of the street. The girl had short hair and was wearing a black hooded sweater that is one size too big for her over her shirt and skirt. As they were walking through the door, the guy had his right hand on the girl's back as if guiding her. The moment they were on the busy street he broke the contact albeit reluctantly and immediately sported on his sunglasses. The girl smiled at this and said something which caused the guy's hand to immediately fly to his beanie covered head. He took it off to reveal a set of curly hair.

They seemed to walk at a slower pace than everyone else, maybe even wishing that they could prolong the walk as long as possible. This is the part of city where everyone is too busy to notice anyone else and it led me to believe that they chose to walk in this part of the city for that particular reason. The couple stopped right in front of a store with tv displays that showed what I guessed to be some kind of clip featuring some jpop idols. The girl looked excited and laughed while pointing at the screen. The guy somewhat embarrassed at this kept on walking, head lowered with a smile.

They reached the end of the street where I got a clearer view of them. I must admit they do make a beautiful pair. The girl then stood on tiptoe and leaned in to give the guy a hug and in the process kissed  the guy's cheek. They both seemed to be surprised at this, more evident on the girl as she appeared to be blushing furiously. Seeing that, the guy leaned down to give the girl a kiss, lingering on her lips for a while, a smile on his lip as he slowly pulled back. I did not notice then that his right hand was in a fist. He showed the girl what he was holding, kissed her on the cheek and whispered something into her ear.

At that moment I could feel that they were in their own world, too precious to be interrupted.  And suddenly I felt like an intruder but I could not seem to tear my eyes away. I was almost sad to see them part looking as if they would not be seeing each other for quite a while.

I was waiting for the train later that day when I finally noticed a poster advertising a mobile product. What fascinated me was not the ad itself but the girl in the ad, she resembles the girl I saw earlier, there was no mistaken about that smile. Suddenly some of the things I saw earlier made sense.

yamaki, yamashita tomohisa, fanfic, horikita maki

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