
Jan 29, 2011 02:49


Backtagging: Yes please!
Threadhopping: Yup.
Fourthwalling: Would rather you didn't.
Offensive subjects (elaborate): Nothing I can think of at the moment.


Hugging this character: Sure, but why would you.
Kissing this character: See above answer.
Flirting with this character: See first answer. You will probably get trolled, too, because Riful is already taken by a hulk of a dude.
Fighting with this character: Yes! But Riful is uber powerful, uber fast, and, due to the fact that she can, in normal circumstances, dissolve into tentacles a ribbon-like monster on a whim, most people will have a very hard time coming out on top. If you want to get into it with her, just contact me and we'll talk things out.
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): See above. Plus, as an Awakened Being, she heals pretty fast. And on top of that, those tentacles of hers are extremely resilient; a normal Claymore, who is already much stronger than your average Joe, couldn't do damage to them.
Killing this character: ... uh, it would be difficult, LOL. That said I'm not opposed to it!
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Sure, go ahead.


Yes, diet. Riful eats people. Human flesh is the only thing she can eat to keep herself alive (guts are the best), and she has no interest in starving. So far she's been eating natives and the occasional NPC Scorched if they're unfortunate to fall into her clutches, but she has no problem with eating most of the PC Scorched. If for some reason you have a desire to get your character in her belly, just contact me. You freak.

There's also the fact that she has a tendency to torture anyone she thinks might be useful to her (see: Claymores) or, well, possibly finds annoying. If things ever progressed that far, I would contact you to plot things out.

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