(FIC) The Destination (Burn Notice) (1/1) (R)

Dec 14, 2014 00:06

Title: The Destination
Author(s): rise_your_dead
Artist(s): nickygabriel
Fandom(s): Burn Notice
Type: Het
Rating: R/T (canon-typical violence, mentions coerced prostitution, slavery, domestic abuse.)
Word Count: 10,537
Characters/Pairings: Sam/Fiona; Sam Axe, Fiona Glenanne, Madeline Westen, Michael Westen.

Summary: In a sequel to All Points North and West (http://archiveofourown.org/works/77777), Sam, Fi and Madeline must make a heroic and perilous journey back to Florida from Arizona when Michael finally makes contact with them.

Author's Notes: Please read content notes before you read the fic.

Link(s) to Story Master Post/Chapters:
@ AO3

Link(s) to Art Master Post(s): @AO3

fandom: burn notice, character: madeline westen, pairing: sam axe/fiona glennane, challenge type: journeystory, genre: het

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