the though process of a modern elf.

Jan 20, 2006 10:20

hey there. it's funny, because the other day i was thinking "oh well, i guess i don't care about livejournal anymore." but now all of the sudden i feel like updating. so there i was, figuring i was over you...and yet i came back for more. not crawling back... i wasn't like, so overtaken with a need for livejournal that i was crawling... but nevertheless, here i am. is nevertheless a word? i don't think so... but it is now. in my world. [edited to say: of course nevertheless is a word, douche. you are not creative.]

i just came from "culture, consumption, and the city" and it's safe to say that i'm incredibly glad i took that class. i don't know if i can characterize the professor correctly. actually, when she walked in the room, i was immediately faced with the reality that my newest responsibility was to attempt to describe her in terms that will do her justice, and i do not trust myself to do so. i was honestly like, annoyed with her greatness because i knew i was going to have to try to sum her up in words. okay, well, anyway... we'll go with aesthetics first, because, that's how people are. she's very young, and has one of those cool haircuts where the bangs sweep across the forehead (sort of like i'm drawn in my icon, though my hair was never cool) and then the hair kind of spikes out, but like, it's much longer than amanda's also-cool hair. anyway she was wearing a button down shirt, blazer, and tie -- and she totally made the tie look feminine and cool. ... smitten? yes. .... also, it seemed that this class is basically going to be like a 1hr 15min comedy routine twice a week - but not in an obnoxious way... in a charming, quirky, i'm-a-funny-charming-quirky-professor kind of way. the same time, she is definitely one of those people that is preaching about how consumerism has negative effects on society, and like... seems like she'll end up mocking the artsy people who live in brooklyn and are girls who wear ties to school... meanwhile, she is fairly artsy, lives in brooklyn, and wore a tie to the first day of school. also, it's pretty apparent that she is a consumer just like the rest of us, and i'm pretty sure she's aware of consumerism - but i'm not sure if it's going to be the comically self-aware kind of i do what i preach against... or if it's going to be like... i preach against this and pretend that i don't do it. ... i'll keep you updated on that.

okay now that i've gushed for a whole paragraph...

reminder to self: i'm only letting this entry go like 10 minutes, because i have real things i need to accomplish.

not that this isn't real, but actually - let's face it, this isn't real. this is fake, and it's weird that we type on this "blogs" if you will about or lives and how noteworthy they all are. blogs have made lives much more noteworthy.

but then again, i think it's good to reflect on life and share your thoughts at least with yourself if not others. so... herehere! to blogs.

apparently osama bin laden has reminded us that he is still probably going to attack us, unless we agree to a truce. also, it should be noted that the united states of america has a "we don't negotiate with terrorists" policy... which i learned last week when a female american reporter was taken hostage and the terrorists said that they were going to kill her should we not release their female prisoners. the today show's biggest question was: how ever are we going to deal with this, considering our no-negotation-with-terrorists policy? it immediately seemed strange to me that because of a "policy" we have, we were absolutely under no circumstances going to even discuss complying with their request, and therefore this girl should fend for herself? awful. awful awful awful. apalling, if you will, in every sally-field-in-mrs.doubtfire meaning of the word. so, apparently we will not discuss this matter with osama, because that might be considered "negotiation". come on, people.

also, this passage from the new york times today bothered me: "Vice President Dick Cheney, asked by Fox News about the tape, said it now seemed likely that Mr. bin Laden, whom some had believed dead, was alive. But, the vice president said, Mr. bin Laden has clearly had trouble getting his message out and added, 'We don't negotiate with terrorists.'" ah, so if he's speaking, we can assume that he's therefore not dead. good point, sir. good point. thank you for your insight.


i am now going to change the subject/format of this entry and not explain because i don't feel like it.


my thoughts from the carride here [abridged]:
- i wish i wasn't leaving so late slash i wasn't feeling so rushed when there is no deadline by which i need to arrive at school.
- pumping gas isn't fun.
- oh shit. i have driven into a cloud. why do clouds think it's appropriate to land on the high way, and why is it that when they do so, we call it "fog"? it's inconsiderate, that's what it is.
- i cannot see. i might die. i will drive thirty and if anyone has a problem with it, i probably won't know about it, because i can't see the other cars, let alone the annoyed expressions on the faces of their drivers.
- i'm glad i burned this brokeback mountain cd.
- uh oh, this might mean i like country music.
- oh well, it's uplifting, anyway.
- okay, now i've listened to the brokeback mountain cd twice. but it's such warm music! this is like driving in a blanket of twangy tunes and willie nelson.
- oh good. every time a truck passes me, the ocean spray wave attacks my car and i can't see.
- not being able to see is fun. especially at 65 miles per hour.
- yes, blindness is a fun game.
- but wait - why would my back passenger windows be fogged? is someone making out in my car or something?
- how do you de-fog those windows even?
- hope i brought my hillary duff cd.
- i'm glad there was a cd stuck under my seat. what is it?
- yes! disney mania!
- i am so glad that no one could read my mind or see my excitement when i found this disney mania cd! i would definitely have been judged.
- if i wasn't singing along to tiki-room, i probably wouldn't think it was quite as awkward whenever someone drove by.
- where is the rest stop? and why does diet cherry coke make peeing so urgent?
- if nothing else, will the wish-granter please grant me this wish: please do not let anyone i know drive past me as i am singing along to the song from the jungle book. please.
- what if a truck drives me off the road? that would really ruin my day.
- do truck drivers even do that?
- oh good, more fog.
- yes! a rest stop! now i can pee, AND look for "metamorphisis"
- shit. no hillary duff cd. well, it's probably for the better.
- thank god this mix had "fly" by hillary duff. i was way unhappy about that no "metamorphisis" thing.
- company would have been nice on this trip, but at least no one is annoyed with my choice of music.

love always,
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