i mean, today was the day of titanic, and i'm not going to pretend it wasn't fantastic.
you may think that watching titanic, taking a short break for dinner, and then watching every single special feature on the titanic special edition dvd would take like... 8.5 hours. and it did. it really did.
no regrets. and i don't care if you're judging me right now.
i guess now would be a good time to share with you the ridiculous monologue that i wrote at the beginning of the year, jokingly saying that i was going to use it for a class... which i did not.
Anticipation didn’t begin to describe what I was going through.
The lights were off and a chill had come over my skin.
I was thirteen and this would be the third time.
I could feel someone next to me as my mind began to race - would it be the same this time as it was the first two?
I could only hope.
A stream of light from the back of the room and I knew what was next.
Huge and powerful
Emotions - uncontrollable
Excitement that filled the room.
My anticipation grew as the minutes flew past and then finally he said it:
“Are you ready to go back to the Titanic, Rose?”
She was ready, and so was I.
For the third time.