So. Seeing a little bit of this world on a trip to Raytin, starting tomorrow. Let's see if I can make something to this madness called war. I wonder why they let me go... Sure, I'm almost 20 but... Whatever. It's not like I'm going alone or that anything can happen when I have my knight and our black mage with me. ...I'm sure there was a fourth person too, right? Whatever.
And I don't want to see homeless people being lead away from the streets of cities in Risath. There's still a long way to go for me to change this place.
First step is to go and see the Boss of Raytin's Monkeys. And it's the face I really want to see right now, suuure. Well, I guess I have to see it anyway. Just have to make sure that it won't be seeing it for nothing.
Hmmmmmmmh. That stuff about Jackal on these journals sounds too big for a coincidence... Better not get my hopes up though. My first thought was him being alive too but that's impossible