Oct 02, 2004 09:35
So I came home from my internship Thursday feeling like the biggest idiot. I felt I rushed through two assigments and totally ruined my rep there. So I come home and am freaking out. I put so much pressure on myself to do such a good job at this internship because I like it so much. I'm literally thinking I'm such a failure---ask Jess. Then I check what I wrote and they didn't post it--instead they posted something completly different, so I added insult to injury. And my mind totally elipsed the fact that the rest of the day I wrote a weeks worth of celeb news, charachter bios, music news, and so much stuff I really liked. No, I just focused on what I thought I messed up on. So the next day, I check the site, and there is what I wrote--they just waited a day to post it. I seriousy had a kinipshit fit over nothing. But it really made me realize that I am putting way to much pressure on myself. I really know deep down I am doing a good job, so I have to lighten up. I have to stop thinking that I am trying to impress them to get a job, I have to try to impress them as an intern. I guess I just feel I've been an intern too long and I'm ready to the real thing. And this internship is the real thing. The work they give me to do is the editor's jobs, and it is right there all over the website for kids to read. So I feel this internship is the test as to how I'd do in a real job in the field I've dreamed about since I was 12. So lesson learned: lighen up and enjoy my time and work there!