Nov 24, 2003 09:58
Seriously I believe I have a sign tattoo-ed on my forehead that says just that. I mean, we have Monique living back in with us with the drama of Eric, and then of course I attract people with more drama. Hence - I have a guy 10 years older than me, just out of a marriage that really seems to like me. I met him Saturday night, he freaks me out, and intices me.
I don't really want to update this until after I've talked with someone really important to me, but no matter what happens I don't want to be untrue to them - three guesses who... the first two don't count. I'm discontented with our relationship, and after 3 years... I'm ready to walk away, even as tears brew just thinking about such an action. I mean seriously, we've each tried to walk away at different times and it hasn't worked... you'd think that would give us a clue. However, I think now that it's been awhile, we'll both be in accord... time to go?