Random collection of drabbles I've written but never dared to post, I really have no idea what they are but since
withcoffee has been bugging me to post some, here they are :3 take it as a pointless Xmas gift or something bb, to thank you for being supportive of all my writing / publishing fear (and for feeding me EXO) XD one day I might get round writing a real fic! \o/
Characters/Pairings: Fujigaya, Kitayama
Notes: AU but I've no idea what actually ;;;
Walking past a random person in the station, he thought he smelt Kitayama - slightly spicy, light on the sweet and way too much attitude. But he knew that it was nothing but pure coincidence. The scent passed, as was Kitayama now, but the feeling continued to linger.
"Your job is to sell dreams, not project reality," Fujigaya had told him once, long ago, back when he was still new, when he hadn't learnt to have a gameface. Never did he expect to literally do just that, he thought, lips curled up in a bitter smile as he ran from the Authorities yet again.
He shouldn't have any feelings, Fujigaya knows full well, because emotions will be his downfall. Better to switch off his brain and enjoy the physical pleasures of the moment. That will make the forgetting easier, take the edge off the longing, for those are not feelings he's allowed to have
Characters/Pairings: Tamamori, Miyata
Notes: So I wrote it last year remembering that Tama went to Osaka for some activities - I assume for IDN, but now I'm thinking that maybe I got mixed up since it was the IDN butai that went to Osaka? i don't remember?!?!? ugh
He watched his shadow while walking home from the train station - an old habit he was never able to break. Osaka had been fun, but it was here that his heart was - within the grey folds of the being that the setting sun casted on the sidewalk, long and lean, waiting for him by the gate. Tamamori's lips quirked at how the shadows could barely obscure the large nose, nor obviously sparkling eyes.
"Okaeri~" Miyata called out, grabbing Tamamori's wrist in a too-tight grip an pulling hi through the gate.
Characters/Pairings: Yokoo, Iida
Notes: ultimate guilt over asking to take the Sandman AU from Rachel and then never writing the fic, i'm so sorry ;-;
Yokoo looked over the borders of his brothers' realms, physical eyes unseeing. The Endless drew their own paths as they went along, unlike the mortals walking through his gardens where he knew how their roads will end.
Not that knowing would make any difference. He was Destiny, and it was not his place to interfere, nor did he have any wish to meddle. He was born long before the universe and the stars, to guard the meandering of time and the beings that flickered through its existence. Even if Chaos has had their free reign over Earth for the past few centuries, that was just another page in the Cosmic Log.
Looking back down, he leafed through the book that he was chained to, which could never reveal any clues about Destruction - or rather, just plain Brother now.
Where are you. The thought resurfaced again, emotionless, as it always was
Characters/Pairings: Zelo (B.A.P)
Notes: how did this happen orz. Baby jelloooooooo ♥
Like every other teenage boy, things are always in a constant flux with Zelo.
He goes through fashion trends ("Skinny jeans are so last month," he sniffs at a classmate),
moods ("Leave me along, hyung, I'm practicing my tortured look"),
hair colours (He gives the stylists a collective fit after returning home with a distinct blue tint in his blonde hair),
hairstyles ("You're having poodle curls for the next single," the stylists have their revenge),
and even group members ("I thought I was your favourite hyung!" yells Jongup),
providing him with ammunition to spray paint his life a multi-layered mash of colours, not unlike the outfits they wear for their latest comeback.
But that is only because Zelo know he has his band there to ground him, unchanging, as they work their way through haters and overzealous fans, homesickness and victorious tears.