[ Drabble ] Caramel Oblivion

Feb 02, 2012 01:51

Title: Caramel Oblivion
Word Count: 266
Characters/Pairings: Tsukada, mentions of other A.B.C-Z members
Notes: For crazy_otaku911 because she seems to be having a crappy day~ sorry for the crappy drabble, and I really need to learn how to title?? This was inspired by a cocktail name generator of which I had too much fun with :D

Tsukada cracked an eye open, felt the light shoot straight into the back of his skull, and immediately wished that he had kept it shut. Drinking was normal, getting drunk on the night of your official debut was expected, but ordering a cocktail called Caramel Oblivion was, well, asking for it. His brain definitely felt like a puddle of caramel zapped into oblivion thrice over.

Totsuka had left when they moved to their third club the previous night, with their Z proclaiming with the most angelic expression that he needed to be escorted home. Goseki was the deadweight currently piled half across his legs, while Kawai... Kawai was definitely awake, judging from the noises coming from his room. And from the sound of it, someone else was also being very awake in there.

Humming to himself, Tsukada wriggled into a more comfortable position (away from Goseki's elbows digging into his side), and waited for the pair inside the room to be done.

Not that it was a long wait.

Giving it a few minutes of buffer after the moans died off, he slid off the sofa, landing cat-like, and moved stealthily to the door of Kawai's room. With his cell phone switched to camera mode and ready in his hand, Tsukada opened the door quietly, snapped a few pictures, and withdrew.

Mission accomplished and mail sent out, Tsukada settled back beside Goseki. Pictures spread quickly enough among the Juniors, but the speed would be much slower this time with the Jimusho's main broadcasters engaged elsewhere.

from: backflipking.tsuka123@docomo.ne.jp
to: gorilla.ja.ne@softbank.ne.jp

look who's visiting Fumi this morning~♫

attachment: taipi.jpg

drabbles, a.b.c-z

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