Jan 24, 2005 17:29
Got it from Mesa's LJ! :D
If there is at least one person in your life whom you consider a close friend, and whom you would not have met without the Internet, post this sentence in your journal.
Meh, It's Finals Week this week. Got most of my grades today and stuffs. A few of them are great, but some are just downright awful for me. I don't know what I should do about it. I'm especially concerned about my TrigAcc class. :( I'm already considering to drop down to regular Trig, cause really.. I'm already in a class which technically is designed for juniors, instead of sophomores. And I get the same amount of credit if i took regular Trig instead of Tric Accelerated anyway. :( Here's what my grades look like as of now:
World History- 93% (Could go down drastically cause of Finals)
Algebra II/Trig Acc- 79.8% (Again, I could end up with a Low C in the class after Finals)
Spanish II- 108.5% (WOOT!!)
Chemistry- 91%
Badminton- 100%
English II Acc- 88.5%
I HATE Finals! :( Shoot me now :(