&& lately it seems like e v e r y o n e but me is in love

Nov 11, 2005 00:16


havent updated in a few days. nothing much has happened. school is well school. hardly any work this weekend for once.

the christmas tree is from wayne again.
"This year's Rockerfeller Plaza Christmas tree...it's a 75-foot Norwegeian Spruce from Wayne, New Jersey. Now the people in Wayne are very upset that it was cut down, because, as you know, coming from Wayne, New Jersey, watching it grow is the only [source] of entertainment there." - David Letterman
... sad but true.

tonight was tons of fun with rach and emi. ♥

so excited for this weekend. ROADTRIPing it with Emi to visit my sister in Philly. =)

its my dads b'day tomorrow, well today, its 12:19.

and thats about all...

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