
Dec 05, 2005 23:29

Quote of the whenever: "Life is just one damned thing after another." -Elbert Hubbard

Stuff about me...
1. I like kids... a lot
2. I like Fuze juice
3. I do not like computer viruses, or people ones
4. I do not like people to be angry... it's tiring
5. I do like to listen and try to help people with problems... hopefully we both feel better in the end.
6. I like rain, and snow... but sun is good too
7. I like to drive, and miss it muchly
8. I am very bad at updating these things, because I never have that much of extreme importance to say, and when I do, I don't want to say it online... it's a dilemma
9. I like to knit... a lotly
10. I do not like nasty nasty boys who don't look at your face when they say hi, and who pull your hair and mutter under their breath in anthro class
11. I like people, lots of different people... they are fun
12. I like pictures, and cameras too... I love my cameras
13. I enjoy not having parents around all the time, maybe too much
14. I don't like to put too much trust in people... not that I don't trust them, I just don't trust myself to make the right choice
15. I can be very hard to get to know, but once you know me I am not hard to get along with
16. I want to travel.... everywhere
17. I like my neighbors muchly
18. I like family gatherings with one side of my family, but the other side tends to be kind of painful
19. I don't like how hard it is to keep in touch with my high school friends
20. I do like how people still make an effort even if it's hard... especially one person who probably has the worst time of it
21. I don't much like country music, probably because of my mom... I tend to have this cringe reaction at the beginning of the song, but when forced to listen more I get used to it
22. I don't get the ghetto booty rap and r&b music... why?
23. I love Egypt, and England, and the Incas, and most other ancient societies
24. I want to be an archaeologist.. a lot a lot
25. I'm VERY stubborn... one time, when I was really really sick and couldn't really breathe or walk, I wouldn't even let my boyfriend carry my book bags to the car (not that I could really do it myself, but I wanted to try)... yeah... I eventually gave up and let him
26. Chiara does not like Zach, because he gave her a dirty/religious secret Santa (oops, I mean secret Snowflake) gift, and I think he's kind of a man whore... wait that's the other one... but I like Chiara, I live with her
27. I seem to enjoy sleeping in the day, not the night... I've become nocturnal
28. I like to tell random stories about my childhood to my roommate... she said so
29. I like this finals week, because mine are a joke... but then everyone else give me mean looks about it
30. I like the flute very much and a half
31. I like to say "and a half" a lot... no idea where I got it either
32. I want to have kids, but only want a husband if the mood strikes... yay adoption
33. I think drunkeness is funny, somtimes... other times its just lame
34. Spencer is hilarious when he is drunk... and so is his delicate nature, lol
35. Spencer is my neighbor, well, sorta
36. The last two had nothing to do with me
37. I've never been drunk, or had a drink... I don't really want to, I think it smells nasty
38. I think it's funny when people talk in their sleep
39. I don't get morning people... they are the plague of the earth... maybe
40. I can't believe my cousin wrote 180 of these
41. I want to rearrange my room really wierd for a bit...we are going to do it Wednesday, or tomorrow
42. I do not get a lot of references, especially dirty ones
43. I do not like many chick flicks, and I don't get why girls get called chicks... we are not yellow and fluffy
44. I cannot lick my elbow, nor can any normal person
45. I can put my ankles behind my head, but when I do both at the same time I fall over
46. I once read 300 pages of anthro in two afternoons... mean teacher
47. I do not like forwards, mostly
48. I do not like campus mail
49. I like all other forms of mail
50. I do not have that many cousins... only 7, total
51. I have around 500 second cousins, though
52. I am not afraid of bugs
53. I like food
54. I like diving... it's pretty sweet
55. I like running sometimes, but only outside
56. I like the outside muchly
57. I like crew... it's so crazy hard, but fun too
58. I have bad circulation, it makes me turn wierd colors and then people look at me funny
59. I am messy... generally
60. I like music... I play it a lot
61. I love ceramics... it's very relaxing
62. I don't really believe in future prediction, but I find the idea facinating and I have books on several methods
63. I can keep a straight face really well, but I really hate to lie... pulling pranks is just fine though
64. I like to make scrapbooks, but I rarely keep up with it
65. I seem to attract girls much more easily than I attract guys... at this point that's more funny than an issue, since I'm not looking

more later maybe...
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