Still not dead

Apr 28, 2017 00:17

Sorry for dropping off the face of the planet. Is anyone on LJ anymore?
Anyway, since my last post I got a job, which made me feel all productive (yay) but was also super stressful. So writing slipped to the back of my priorities and I've only really been tapping out a few words every now and then.
But I'm more used to work now, and I also met someone in real life who's into fandom, which is awesome. And we've been encouraging each other to write more and doing word sprints and everything. It's fun, I've never met anyone in real life who gets all of my fandom references :)

I finished one fic recently, and I'm working on a Sam/Adam fic and a Godstiel idea for the Sastiel Big Bang. I haven't got back into watching Supernatural, I just watched a couple of episodes in season 10 but honestly I got so annoyed at the Dean focus that I didn't really enjoy it. So I'm not sure whether to catch up or not. I'm still in the fandom though, and still reading loads, and I still have lots of fic ideas for pre-season 10.

I've made a Dreamwidth account, just in case they decide to start censoring LGBT content, and I'm gonna duplicate posts.
Sorry if I worried anyone.


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