Goodbye Wordpess Hello LiveJournal

Jan 17, 2015 10:50


First of all I want to say "SORRY" to all my friends for the whole "Love Affair" that happened last year. That was so much fun and SORRY for the little accident. So I decided to close my wordpress ( I know some of you sceencap my acc. I'd say "LEAVE ME ALONE") and go back to use this Livejournal account. (pretty much lazy to costumize LJ, I need a Livejournal For Dummies XDDDD)

Doraemon Movie. Damn!!!!!! Honestly I was  one of those who enjoyed the movie by watching it via leak material XD  ckck I know!! but mine was not full version so I didnt know the ending ;p I live in remote area you and the cinema is 4 hours from here by motor. So FORGIVE ME

My Internet connection is so bad so i don't know if i can login everyday or not. For Reviews for drama and movie, No Wordpress No Problemo. I can do in this account XDDD (Bahasa Indonesia as usual lol)



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