(no subject)

Jun 11, 2011 16:58

I've been meaning to get a hula hoop ever since we've got Wii fit.

The hula hoop mini game is my best game, so I had been looking for one. Most of them were depressingly expensive, though- okay, so the only ones I saw were at the Disney store.

So you can imagine how pleased I was to see them at the supermarket (!) for $2.50 each.(!!!) I ended up coming home with a couple.

Mind you, I've never been able to hoop in my life. The last time I had tried it at all was in elementary school, and I was terrible at it then.

It turns out that I'm still terrible at it now. (A sense of rhythm? I have none.)

I was trying it out in the living room, and Dad came out to see what the noise was. It turns out that he knows how.

[edit: this is one of those things where even googling youtube how-to videos does not help. IT'S LIKE TEACHING SOMEONE TO WHISTLE BY TELLING THEM TO PUCKER THEIR LIPS AND BLOW.]
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