Doctor Who!

Apr 24, 2011 18:35

So I watched the new episode today.  I was worried because I knew River was going to be in it and I really didn't like her in the last series because of her "know-it-all" attitude.  It was a bit grating.  However in this episode she was redeemed slightly because she had no idea what was going on.

So the older Doctor was killed at the beginning by "The Impossible Astronaut" from the episode's title.  Then here he is popping up again but he's a thousand years younger and hasn't a clue that Amy, Rory and River saw him get killed and then cremated him. Amy wants to tell him what happened so they can prevent him dying and River forbids it because it would create a paradox.

Then off they go to the Oval Office meet the guy who played Crowley in Supernatural (I'm bad with names) and talk to the President about mysterious phonecalls. The Doctor traces the phonecalls to a warehouse whilst Amy meets a bony-headed alien in the toilets who tells her to tell the Doctor everything he must and must not know.  Take that River!  Mr Bony-Head thinks the Doctor should know he's going to die!  She meets up again with the gang and they go the the warehouse taking Crowley with them.

Whilst they're looking around the warehouse for clues one of them says something like "How are we going to work out what's going on?" and the Doctor replies "Work out who's trying to kill you and work backwards."  This, I'm assuming, is the premise of this two-parter.  We've seen who killed the Doctor and now we're working backwards from it, presumably to stop it.

There's also the bony-headed aliens whose purpose isn't quite clear yet and there's clearly something off about the child in the spacesuit.  A child couldn't walk in an adult-sized spacesuit so maybe it's a hologram?

doctor who

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