Back from Japan!

Sep 18, 2011 12:47

I'm back and not too jet-lagged!  Hooray!

I didn't get that much shopping done in the end as I didn't have time.  I got some reading books, senior high school entry exam kanji flashcards and university entry exam kanji practice books.  My most prized buy was Tales of Xillia with a charm of the main female character (Milla?  Millia?).

When I got back there was an envelope from SOAS propped against the door with my JLPT N1 results.  It was an A4 envelope with 'Do Not Bend' written on it meaning there was a certificate inside so I knew I'd passed.  Hooray!  I'm glad I don't have to take it again.  It's not exactly cheap and it's long and boring.  My lowest score was for vocabulary but I'm always learning new words so I'm not too bothered by that.

Anyway, having spent all morning unpacking I'll probably spend tomorrow packing again for uni and then buying bus passes and stuff.  Then I'll follow that with a drama marathon to catch-up on the umpteen episodes I've missed.  Yay! 

daily life, japan, jlpt

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