Jun 30, 2007 02:08
So I'm in Brandon and I'm bored.
It's late and I did not feel like going out.
So I'm sitting here thinking....which at this time of night, EVERYONE knows is a poor choice.
Thinking right now, means for me, sadness.
Watching Blood Diamonds really makes me want to join the Peace Corps.
What's really strange about this urge to help, is that my mom is completely behind me. In fact, she actually thinks it is a fabulous idea.
That makes me want to do it more.
I went to the Dallas Bull last night with the D and Robdawg, as well as some other cool kids. Bad move.
Generally I can take country musis. I even like some of it. But wow, I had 0% fun.
Denise had a good time though. That's what matters.
Ryan is back from Europe this sat night, 2 months and 17 countries later.
I can't wait until he moves in.
OH and I got my confirmation. I've been officially accepted into the UF in Munich Thanksgiving Study Abroad Program. YAY!!! Step one in my world travels.
Jason and I just won't work out. I'm happy.
Everyone knows he's not what I wanted. But I did get a great friend out of the whole thing.
Now if I could just keep the guy I want but can't have, out of my friggin' head.
Only God knows why I still think of him. sheeeeesh i'm ridiculous.
I guess I'm going to go read.
Dracula is exciting.
Goodnight Moon.