Apr 23, 2007 23:45
So here goes....
+ I just watched an amazing final playoff game, and Vancouver kicked some ass. YAY HOCKEY!
+ I have a lunch date tomorrow.
- My tummy hurts big time
- I can't think of a great topic for my religion and anthro research paper
+ I have a crush
- He's moving overseas for a year in june :(
+ I may be heading to Munich for Thanksgiving study abroad
- I don't have the money for it yet
------- I have one out of four papers done for my finals. Every professor thinks they are doing me a favor by giving our class a paper as the final instead of a test. Gee thanks guys, it would be great except that you all did it. :(
+ Denise and I have roomies for the fall and we don't have to move out!!!
+ My aunt is having a baby in a month!!
Ok back to my paper.
Good luck on your finals kids.