one thumb in front of the other...

Sep 19, 2009 20:01

  • 21:38 So apparently I'm getting shiiiiiit faced tomorrow all day. And Sunday night too. Lol. #
  • 22:17 Up to season 3 in my epic Doctor Who viewing in celebration of HAVING the DVDs. And I'm so bored. Damn you, Martha. Damn you. #
  • 13:08 Okay. Out at 3. Going to a pub with a friend. Then watching dvds and drinking a bit. Then bowling at 9:30. GALACTIC bowling. #
  • 15:11 Lol change of plans. Going home for a couple hours, Kryssy is picking up me and Rach at 7 and then we go to the pub. Then bowling with peeps #
  • 15:45 My throat is killing me. I can't wait to drink until it's numb. Bwahahaha. #
  • 15:46 Ooooo, I can type up my fic before I go out tonight. Glorious. I feel like fate is guiding me tonight. HOLLA. #
  • 16:55 ROFL. JL dorkshot! >> #
  • 18:16 I really should change for bowling. But I don't want to. Wish I could go in PJs. #
  • 18:58 RT @knowyouronion: Is it October 16 yet? #wildthings #
  • 19:16 I hate when I have Kanye stuck in my head. I want to beat MYSELF up. #
  • 19:29 "La la la la, la la la la, look at the bells, look at the bells. Holy craaaap here comes Jesus. And he doesn't look to haaaappy." #
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