First off, I can't believe I forgot to post this yesterday.
Crystal actually tweeted me back after my very silly question. And she feeds me RPS with a spoon, I swear.
I'm slightly curious what other people think about something involving the storyline. At one point, Olivia says maybe they were in love before even Gus died. Which is glorious. And I'm of that belief as well. But!
The question really is: When did they each fall in love and when did they each realize it?
I have a theory that Natalia fell first but she realized it last. Olivia is a bit more reliable to have catch on than Natalia is (hello, several months pregnant, anyone?).
Olivia: I couldn't tell when she actually fell. Because I didn't go back to Natalia's first appearance, or all her interactions with her. But I think she was well into it when I started the old clips, hence all her aggression. She was so envious, so angry. And I think she was crushed because she wanted someone to love her in that moony-eyed way like Natalia loved Gus. I think she was actually jealous of Gus, and not of Natalia.
The moment she realized is debatable. Just like it is with Natalia. For me though, the first "Oh my god, I'm in love with her," moment was when Olivia was having a freak out about Phillip coming back and Emma going missing, and she was pushing Natalia away a bit. But then Natalia comes back with, "I would die for that kid." The look on Olivia's face seems like she just got smacked in the face. This woman would lay down her life to a crazy man for her daughter, like she were her own. Because they became a real family. If she could have kissed Natalia right there just out of pure emotion, she would have.
I know people can make an arguement that she knew beforehand, and it's entirely plausible. She was giving Natalia all these brand new looks, and wrestling with feelings that were familiar and foreign all at once. But the way I saw it was that she was giving her these new looks because she was finally looking at her from new angles. She was sizing it up, and playing cautious when she wouldn't have if Natalia were a man. She'd have taken that gut instinct to bed and ran with it, even if it wasn't love.
Natalia: Now, how can I pinpoint Natalia's moment of falling in love to before Olivia's, if I can't say what Olivia's is because I didn't see that far back? I can't. I can hypothesize. Everything with Natalia starts with an inkling, and grows. Whether it began with fighting over a man, fighting for control, fighting to be a better person, or taking care of the heart she gave away, taking care of a little girl who's mother physically can't, creating a home for the three of them, it started at a point that I can't place. And I think it has so much to do with Natalia's character itself. I can't pinpoint something that I think she already had inside that was looking for someone to give herself to.
Natalia's realization was like dripping water. Bit by bit, it just built up. Small things like: taking care of Emma, taking care of Olivia, seeing Olivia completely helpless, having Olivia learn to trust her, family moments like cooking breakfast, and having movie nights. They all built up, and finally Olivia kissed her "to make a point." And it freaked her out. Likely because of that cross around her neck conflicting with the way she delayed in pulling back. So she goes and sleeps with Frank. And there's a brilliant "Oh no, I'm in love with her," moment.
The awkwardness of Frank trying to talk to Natalia after having sex while her mind is a million miles away is the dam breaking for her. And she literally prays for the feelings to go away.
Anyhow, I really didn't think this post out thoroughly, so I shall awkwardly end it there. Or it'll turn into an essay with legit broken down paragraphs of points and evidence.
So I bring you the REDEMPTION that yesterday offered.