Title: My First Cue To Run
ripptydRating: PG
Fandom: GL - CC & JL (RPF)
Word Count: 412
Summary: You just wanted to bond. You wanted to make friends at this new place, in this new job, and you found her.
Author's Note: If you don't like RPF/S, then don't read it. Seriously.
You kiss her because she asks you.
And she’s a little bit drunk, and so are you. But mostly, it’s because she asks you to.
So you’re leaning in and she’s just grinning this grin that you aren’t so familiar with. But you think that you will be. And you can smell the vodka and the mix of fruit juices on her breath. It’s nothing like the taste of tequila on your tongue, so you hover. You hover and breathe her in, and you can’t stop the giggle that’s bubbling up from your throat. Because her arm is snaking around your waist and it tickles. You squirm and she’s pulling you closer.
You let her.
You let her maneuver you until the door to her dressing room is cold against your back. You let her whisper words into your ear that make you blush, even though you aren’t that innocent. You let her hands run up and down your sides to play with the hem of your shirt. You let her press her body closer, and shift just like that, with her thigh between yours.
But she waits, and she asks.
She nuzzles against your ear, and she asks you to kiss her.
And, God, you want to. Because she’s asking you to, which you manage to find endearing even while you’re in this position. And some part of you is rolling your eyes at how it sounds in your head, because you barely know her. You just wanted to bond. You wanted to make friends at this new place, in this new job, and you found her. You found her stressed out, and opening a bottle of liquor, and the look in her eyes was daring you to stay. So you did. And you drank, and you did bond with her.
And now you’re standing inside this small room, and she’s practically groping you, and you can’t think about anything else except what she’s doing. What you want her to do. Your hands are slipping into her long blonde hair, and tugging until she’s looking at you.
So you do it. You press your lips against hers. And you didn’t know she would be like this. You briefly imagined tongues and teeth, and swollen lips, but her mouth is so light on yours and you can feel her shaky breath against you. Your fingers tighten in her hair and you urge her closer.
You kiss her.
Because she asked you to.