LOL, IDEK anymore, you guys.
I wonder what it's like to be THAT AWESOME, and THAT PRETTY at the same time. Srsly.
Check out this 30+ minute interview to see my point. She's just too fucking cool.
She's a bit snarky, a giggle machine, and kind of has a perfect answer for everything. She talks with her hands in a way that makes me grin so much.
And she "did it up PROPER" in the 80's.
The new DMB album has me going back to their older music, and in some cases, it's been years since I've heard songs. It's a beautiful rediscovery.
I've always loved how half of his lyrics are just random shit and phrases to me, while the other half strike insane chords in me.
Hell, I even named my Olivia/Natalia fanmix after DMB lyrics.
Come and see
I swear by now I'm playing time against my troubles
I'm coming slow but speeding
Do you wish a dance while I'm in the front
The play on time is won
Oh, but the difficulty's coming here