Yes. Yes, she is looking at you like you kicked her puppy. HDU!
But srsly, if I ever have that expression on my face, please show me the obvious gay love affair I could be having right then. You know...the kind not limited to crying, hugs, glances of longing and talks full of double meanings.
I don't even like bangs/fringe/whatever you call it, but I like those bangs.
OT: I decided the makeup artists do a world of hurt to Crystal. Compared to what she looks like on her own, bitches need to step back. She already looks high as a motherfucker 80% of the time regardless of show or at appearances, but does she need to look like an overdone high motherfucker? I think they shalack her too, because she always has a SHEEN (of sweat?) on her face. It kills my gay-love-story-buzz when I think about it too much.