Jan 23, 2008 21:41
So I have a $300 garage bill and a car that still won't start.
This is what I've paid to have done.
-New battery (the old one froze up)
-New spark plugs (the old ones were dirty)
-Oil change (needed to happen anyway)
This is what was not wrong with the car.
-Refer to list above
Disturbing. Looks as though it might be the alternator after all, and if not, then the distributor. As long as it's not the fuel pump... Oh gawd. ;_;
According to the guy at the garage it started first try for him this morning. He let it run a bit and then tried it again at lunch, and it performed it's (now famous) no-start dance for him. He eventually got it going after putting the petal to the metal floor (which you shouldn't have to do with a fuel injected car...). L'il Champ is spending another night there for further observation.
L'il Champ lives! And at no extra cost. ;)