Sep 27, 2005 12:16
Shi Shi Day 4
Time can pass so quickly, and even though this was our last moments on Shi Shi already everyone was thinking about the coming year. We packed our things and burned our garbage in the fire that we had somehow managed to keep going the entire four days. It didn’t feel too short, nor too long… there was a sense of fulfillment. Even though we didn’t get a lot of sunshine or get to enjoy the beautiful sunsets due to our cloudy weather, and maybe not everyone always got along at times, this was a trip we would never forget. No matter how ready I was to get back and take a nice hot shower, it’s always hard to say goodbye to this place. It may not always be the same, and years can change places as well as people. Regardless, in the short time spent on this beach we created lasting memories that we can cherish always. In our minds we’ll always have a picture of the good times we spent together. Eight friends camping out for three nights and four days without the convenience of civilization, working together as a team.
A cloudy path lay before us. With everything all set, we made our journey back home. Farewell Point of Arches, goodbye ocean, shalom sandy beach, aloha beautiful wildlife, take care Scuttle… our friendly psycho wood eating seagull. Leaving behind footprints in the sand, we carried back with us our things, unforgettable memories, and probably a whole ton of sand. As long as we hold on to the laughter, fun, good times, and moments together… these friendships can never die.
Thank you Brittany for working so hard in getting this trip organized. I couldn’t have done it without you. I have so much gratitude and gratefulness for your dedication and hard work towards every aspect of this trip. Without you we may have never been able to go. The video camera made such a difference and captured some of the best moments of this trip, we all appreciated you bringing it. You helped us discover that four people can fit in Micah’s hole, I can’t help but wonder if we could have fit more. Hey, if we can fit eleven people on a couch who knows how many could in that size of a hole. You are also one of the few who actually dared face that freezing ocean, and even though you never got completely submerged it was definitely amusing to watch on tape.
Thank you Chris for being apart of our group on this journey. There is definitely never a dull moment when you’re around. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to wipe that picture out of my head of you being a flying seagull chasing Megan across the Ferry. I appreciate your hard work in taking care of both small and large tasks. You helped even in areas that weren’t your responsibility and when you were needed you always offered a helping hand. I hope your head feels alright after Juan threw a rock at you, and you have to admit that was a pretty good shot despite the fact he wasn’t actually aiming for you.
Thank you Juan for keeping us laughing. Whether its jumping into the freezing ocean on the first day we arrive or letting us burry you in the sand, or even keeping us amused with your spying… fact of the matter is you have the ability to bring life to boring moments. I do suggest however that you don’t throw rocks in anyone’s direction, even if you are trying to miss.
Thank you Justine for coming with us even when life is throwing you a few curve balls. You endured so much without complaint. You are such a good listener and I appreciate our conversations. Though you didn’t stay the full time you made an impression on this trip, and I’m so happy you were there. I hope you can come back next year.
Thank you Micah for coming and being such a help in this adventure. You offered your assistance in so many things and you were awesome company. When no one wanted to help build a sandcastle you did, and I would have never got it going without you. We all appreciate your traditional hole digging, this year we may not have had Kassadi unknowingly jump inside at night, however we discovered that a tent with two people can surprisingly fit.
Thank you Megan for making the trip that much more amusing. You have such an adventurous spirit, and never afraid to be yourself. I enjoyed your humor and crazy behavior… yes even the strange loud animal sounds that escaped your mouth despite that people we don’t know were near by. You were such a help on this trip in every way, if it weren’t for you we probably would have been eating with dirty dishes.
Thank you Bobby for helping out even when it wasn’t asked for. Without Micah, Chris, and You we would have never gotten that tarp up. I loved your company and with Chris, Juan, and you around we were always kept entertained. However, I still think we need your goat impression on tape. I am so grateful of your company and for putting up with my odd sleeping habits, even if it left you with no covers in the morning. I appreciate your patience and giving nature.
Thank you Father, most of all, for without you this entire trip would not have been possible. I think it goes without saying that each and every one of us is incredibly grateful for your dedication, endless effort, and help. You even came all the way from Lynnwood to bring us a new water filter. Of course you confused the life out of everyone by showing up at three a.m. but it definitely left an impression. We could not have done this without your love and hard work, you went the extra mile to make this an unforgettable trip… and it has been.