Oct 14, 2010 11:48
Minus a few things, the past few days have actually been pretty good.
We had Thanksgiving dinner here on Sunday. My parents 2 German friends, my Aunt & her new boyfriend, and unfortunately, my brother and his girlfriend came over.
First off, dinner was amazing as usual. Mom is an excellent cook, and the turkey was fantastic. I made a cheese sauce (From scratch with a roux and all!) for the veggies and roasted potatoes for side dishes. My Aunt made a really good salad, too. Just a regular green salad, but it was awesome, haha. Rita, Mom's friend, made German apple cake that was also awesome. My Aunt even made a pecan pie for me. Score. Her and Pierre recently got a chihuahua and a kitty from the SPCA that were both beaten. Dexter, the dog, is so tiny. 0.8 pounds, hah! Seamus, the kitty, has mental deficiencies and can't walk that well since his balance is off since his mother was beaten and had a virus when she was carrying her litter. Very sad... he tries to walk and falls. Of course my brother and his girlfriend, having no soul whatsoever, said my Aunt should of "kept it in the garbage bag they found it in and killed it". Now, maybe the cat should of been put down initially because of it's problems, but my Aunt rescued it, took it to the vets, got it's shots, surgery, etc. She's already helped him a ton. But that's not good enough for my brother and his gf. She wanted to take Seamus out back and kill him because "that would be more humane than leaving it as a fucking retard cat". She kept comparing it to the "retard" at school everyone picked on. It's a cat. Not a human. We don't execute the mentally ill here, you imbecile. We're not in Texas. She kept going on and on about it. So we all sit down to dinner, and I have the misfortune of sitting with her and my brother. The entire dinner all they did was cover their mouths and talk about/insult my parents, their friends, and my Aunt and boyfriend. The balls of them... everyone is RIGHT there. Unreal. I can't stand either one of them, especially her. She is a complete waste of flesh in every sense of the word. She put down my parents for being too loud; my Aunts bf and my Mom's friends for their accents (German and French), said my Aunt is a PRINCESS (And not in the good way; full of insulting sarcasm) ... ugh, I can't say anymore. She's a fucking whore. Her and my brother even smoked weed outside. I'm not against smoking it; I don't myself, but holy fuck, at your parents house? With company? Where the Hell is your brain? There's so much more to rant about but I just can't... it's pissing me off just remembering it. Thankfully, they just ate, avoided everyone, then left. Oh, and she was complaining about being up at 10AM because she had to work... and she was SOOOoooOOOOooooOOOO tired. Seriously? My MOM gets up at 5AM to work. She's 58. You're 29. Fuck you. My brother was so fried out of his mind, he just kept giggling to himself and whenever I would try to make convo he would insult whoever I was talking about, said they were a fag, and wanted to beat them up. He's 21, she's 29. I've said it before on here, but they act 14, at least. I'm glad they didn't stick around long.
Anyway, on to the good stuff. My Aunts new boyfriend is awesome. He likes Metal; he's seen Metallica 5 times in the '80s, likes CARCASS(!), likes MMA/UFC, hockey, and video games. He's my new best friend, haha. He wanted to check out our computer, and was stunned when he booted it up. He's a manager at a Bank and teaches people to use the computers, so he knows everything there is to do with new tech. He even got a new Blackberry Torch that came out THAT day. Crazy. Anyway, long story short, we talked about Metal, sports, and games. He got me and my parents a deal: Switch from Shaw to Telus, and you get better satellite tv, a NEW LAPTOP (Which is why he told me about this deal, he knows we desperately need a new comp. We can't even check our email anymore, it lags so bad), and a free Xbox 360! He said I'd be stoked for that, haha! So the Telus crew is coming Monday to set everything up. I'm excited for my parents. And hopefully the deal is legit... getting a new laptop and a 360? Score.
Anyway, that's my venting entry for the day. I had to get it off my chest.