
Jul 15, 2006 10:10

Two posts in the same month. Woo! I may actually pass out from shock. (Faint sounds too prissy.) If I do pass out, hopefully I will land in front of the fan. Still no air conditioning and it is going to hit 90 today, 92 tomorrow, 94 monday and tuesday. Blah. My cats seem to be coping and they are wearing fur coats, so I guess I can deal. It's great for the diet. Way too hot to fucking cook, let alone eat.

Massage and Yoga are very slow right now. It usualy is during the heart of summer. It's too hot (for a massage), too nice (walking outside instead of yoga) or family vacation time. The last couple years I have always gotten depressed. Hey, money doesn't come in to pay the bills, it's a typical reaction. lol This summer I am just taking it in stride. The down time has let me recover a bit and slow down. Perfect opportunity to get stuff done around the house, but we circle back around to it being too fricking hot. Thank goodness for the big ass maple tree in the back yard.

I am going to take a moment to comment on menopause. I have no idea how to hide my posts, so if you don't want to read, skip. :) Anyone else going through it? Other than the obvious stuff like soy for hot flashes, lavender to help you sleep, does anyone have any thoughts or ideas on how to help the bitchiness? I am using Ylang Ylang oil and drinking Kava tea, but damn, it's getting old. I have been going through this for threeyears now. Actually had my first and only hot flash in the Albany airport when I flew out to Moonlight Rising con. I guess it could have just been a warning not to go to the hotel. :::snickers:::

I am now at the stage where my period lasts about three weeks, but then I don't have one for three months. Seems like a good deal until you have to deal with the three weeks. lol Add on extreme bitchiness to my otherwise cheerfulness, snorts and I can get kinda mean. Anyway, any suggestions would be appreciated.

I am actually doing well for the moment. My family thought I was nuts to drag the computer, desk, printer, etc out to my living room, insead of leaving it all in the third bedroom. I am now looking up between paragraphs, looking out my window and I can see the tops of my purple coneflowers, a bird snacking on the seeds of said plant and my Buddha statue. It's ten in the morning, so a decent breeze at this point. Pretty calming actually. :) Hope everyone has an awesome weekend!

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