The Stand

Dec 11, 2005 14:10

“Kill them all.”


Beth flinched at the pain in her arm she looked down noticing the blood seep into her shirt. Going into this fight she knew that the chances for coming out alive would be slim, well for the others at least. Her greatest fear was that Cain would win and that he would have something special in mind for her and not special in a good way, either torture her or worse become his high and mighty's sex slave. That probably wasn't going to happen but she was a worrier, anything was possible.

Recovering from her wound she stood. She could see him there, a smug look on his face 'Bastard maybe I just.' Ripper had given her strict instructions no one was to harm Cain until Genesis was freed. But he was just so 'I'm the king!' she had to do something. She moved stealthily, edging closer to where Cain was. Then she struck, she managed to cut a deep wound in Cain's arm before he through her clear across the battlefield.

'Ow!' she thought and saw the fierce look in his eye, not a happy guy. 'Damn it Gabriel you're supposed to stop me from doing stupid stuff!' she thought and got back to her feet, hoping she wasn't now the target of his power.



The order had been given. Kill them all. Kennedy had heard it, but couldn't peel her eyes off Isabella. She watched her carefully, curiously. Wondering what would occur between them considering the events of their last encounter.

"The pointy end of your knife, Miss Foster. Thrust it between the third and fourth rib of the nearest miscreant and twist. Even a retarded child could understand that command."

The words he spoke snapped her out of her thoughts, bringing her attention back to the task at hand.

"Yes sir. Consider it done." She spoke firmly and emotionless.

Lifting her sword up, she turned to find herself face to face with one very pissed off looking Faith.

"Looks like my whole redemption thing worked out after all Junior. Too bad I can't say the same for you. I was hopin' you'd come around. But I guess no- "

Her fist flew up, connecting hard with the left side of Faith's face, cutting her words off.

"That's what I never understood about you and Buffy. Too much talking when you're fighting. Gotta get that quip in."



Dawn looked down at her hands, which were covered in her own blood. The knife wound in her side was deep, but not necessarily fatal. It had been delivered by a young slayer- an Asian girl with cold eyes and silver dagger. The girl couldn’t have been more than fifteen, but she fought with a skill and a fierceness that reveled warriors twice her age. These girls were nothing like the army of potentials that she fought with on the Hellmouth. They were professional and they were cold-blooded killers.

Dawn fell to the ground, more to go unnoticed than because of the pain. Her eyes darted around the room to her allies. They were all fighting ferociously…well, the ones that were still alive were. Some were dead already, more would be dead soon. It was so tempting to just give up, to close her eyes and let herself die. It was so tempting to let the world end.

Think of something worth fighting for, she told herself as she lay on the ground, her blood slowly spilling from her body. Is that what it had come down to? She needed to search for a reason to live, to fight?

Think of something worth fighting for, she commanded herself again.

Xander’s bad jokes.

Graduating college.

Getting married.

Pissing off Giles

Having kids.

Coffee dates with Willow.

Playing Monopoly with Faith.

Faith. That was the thought that did it. Faith never stopped fighting, never stopped watching out for her. Faith wouldn’t quit until she was dead. Neither had Buffy.

Dawn took a sharp breath as she removed the dagger from her side. She stood on shaky legs before lunging at the Asian slayer who’d stabbed her. She unceremoniously slit the girl’s throat before engaging in hand-to-hand combat with another slayer.

She’d fight. She wouldn’t quit until she was dead.



The two Slayers circled each other, both oblivious to the waging battle going on around them. Weapons drawn, they continued this dance. Trading punches, kicks and clever retorts until they were both bleeding and bruised, possibly having a few broken bones as well.

Kennedy wiped the blood away from her eye. The gash over her right eyebrow was pouring blood and impairing her vision. Yet she kept up the fight.

"Give up Faith!" She spat her words out, anger fully consuming her. "You don't have a chance in hell at beating us. Our army might be small, but his power is bigger than anything you'll ever imagine."

Faith sliced her knife through the air, watching as it connected with the flesh on Kennedy's upper arm. Blood began it's descent downward, dripping onto the dusty floor beneath them.

The sword in Kennedy's hands immediately slashed back towards her opponent, Faith jumped out of the way but the blade still managed to catch her thigh. Luckily it wasn't deep and it missed the vein, but the blood started to soak through the denim material.

Kennedy's eyes drifted away from Faith for a moment to check on Mr. Cain. He was after all, her boss, her mentor, her father figure. She had to ensure his safety. She was, after all, his right hand. His appointed protector.
Faith took this moment to land a kick to the younger Slayer's stomach, knocking her backwards where she landed hard on her ass. Not wasting time, the former Rogue Slayer moved quick, jumping on top of Kennedy and landing a series of punches to her face.

Not one to stay down for long, Kennedy managed to get out from under Faith's assault and somehow end up on top. Her hand dropped the sword beside them as she grasped the older girl's shirt with one hand and repeatedly punched her with the other.

That's when she felt someone hit her from the side, knocking her away from Faith. Looking up, she saw that it was Isabella who'd tackled her.


Jason Cain

Cain temporarily removed his attention from the Gate to survey the mêlée. The slayer army were barely holding their own and the sight was more than a little daunting. All the rigorous training, the clear focus he'd demanded was giving way to the fear of an actual firefight. He sensed the air crackle and hum not just from his own machinations but that of the red-haired witch across the room. He'd have to quickly put an end to that; whatever she was casting was dangerously close to interfering with his own spell.

And then he saw Kennedy. Flailing away at another, landing blow after blow. But not aware of her surroundings, as the blonde bint managed to connect forcefully and carry his lieutenant off.

"Oh for the..." he muttered. "Must I do everything myself?" Cain split his attention, sending a blue shimmering wall of energy against the older slayer -- Faith, if he remembered correctly -- sending her bodily through the air and into the blue-haired devil who fought nearby. He quickly turned to Miss Foster. "There. Try killing someone more your speed."

Quickly regaining her footing, Kennedy looked at Isabella. In confusion. In disbelief. In hurt. She clenched her jaw tightly, grabbing her sword from the ground, her eyes never leaving the blonde.

Something out of the corner of her eye caught her attention. Faith was no longer on the ground, but she had gone airborne, a flash of bright blue and she was launched back to her own group. Her eyes sought out Cain's, realizing he'd been the one to do this.

"There. Try killing someone more your speed."



She looked at him, utterly perplexed. He didn't find her competent enough to battle Faith and come out a victor? Raising her eyebrow, she tilted her head as she searched his eyes, trying to figure out what he was implying.

Not waiting for any sign or answer, she turned her attention away from both him and Isabella, moving in another direction.

"I said..." Cain's eyes, now entirely focused on Kennedy, turned black. Her movements were now not her own; he was in complete control. With a small push, Kennedy turned to face the blonde slayer, sword raised. One more push, and the blade sang through the air, streaming towards the girl's neck. "Kill the bitch."

Her eyes grew wide as she realized she was no longer in control of her movements. She whirled around at his control, her blade raising and starting it's descent towards Izzy's neck.


Her words rang out, desperate as she used all her Slayer strength to stop the weapon from it's intended mission. She didn't want to disobey him, but she couldn't kill Isabella. Not when she still felt the way she did. Not when the girl had never known how Kennedy truly felt. Not when she'd purposely lied about her feelings.

The weapon clanged against the ground as Kennedy dropped it, managing to stop it. Her hand went up, grabbing her opposite bicep, the ache from the energy it had taken to stop it starting to throb. It had taken nearly everything for her to force the weapon away.

Facing him, she shook her head with a frown.

"There's bigger threats to focus on here. I had Faith down. I could've finished her. You stopped me!"

"She's beneath you. Just as you've proven you're beneath me, slayer." A cold stream of air curled around his flared nostrils. "You're willful, belligerent and incapable of following even the simplest of commands. Why you were ever favored with such power, I'll never understand. And be sure, that's something I intend to correct at the first opportunity."

Another flare from his hand, and Kennedy was sent into the air, crashing through the metallic barrier of the catwalk, and rolled to a stop just inches from the other edge.

"She's beneath you. Just as you've proven you're beneath me, slayer. You're willful, belligerent and incapable of following even the simplest of commands. Why you were ever favored with such power, I'll never understand. And be sure, that's something I intend to correct at the first opportunity."

His words cut through her like the sword she'd just dropped. She blinked, clenching her jaw and inhaling sharply as she stood there, feeling like some condemned child.

But, before she could speak in her own defense, he'd raised his hand, casting her away like she'd been nothing. Like nothing she'd done had even mattered to him.

Kennedy laid there for a moment. Her pride completely wounded. Her trust destroyed. Betrayed. How quickly he'd turned on her. How could this be? It had to be a misunderstanding.

Raising to her feet, she stared at him coldly as she started back over towards him. Her movements were a little slower now, due to the injuries she'd received in this battle and from her flight across the room.


Jason Cain

The child was, Cain believed, incapacitated. Most combatants were engaged in private battles, yet the witch… the witch wasn’t where she’d planted herself earlier. Gone to higher ground he surmised. Rosenberg would need a secluded, yet unobstructed view of the Gate. He motioned a nearby slayer, provided from the Cleveland compound, to ferret her out and strike her down.

The air was hot, thick with sweat and energy. She was close. If Cain was to destroy the Gate, it was now. He turns once more to the ungodly shape to his right. Eyes black, tendrils of oily energy snaked from his fingertips, caressing the stones as would a long-lost lover.



The power drain nearly crippled him. Every nerve ending on fire, Jason had - for a moment - been pulled and twisted into infinite possibilities. It took an incredible feat of strength to continue standing.

Stopping dead in her tracks, Kennedy watched the battle as it waged. Noticing the magick crackling through the air, she followed Cain's eyes across the room to one red headed witch who was deep in focus. Smiling briefly to herself Kennedy pushed the memories out of her head as she refocused on the events before her.

Her eyebrow raised as she noticed Cain seeming to grow weaker. Serves you right. You'll never beat her. I could've told you that one. Kennedy's eyes grew wide as she looked back up at him, wondering if he'd heard her thoughts. She couldn't believe it herself and didn't know where her negativity was coming from. Then she recalled the fact that he'd thrown her across the room after trying to make her kill Isabella.

Scanning the crowd, she looked for the blonde Slayer, wondering if she was okay. Her brown eyes found her, fighting with a couple of the Slayers from Cleveland. Satisfied that the girl was okay, Kennedy turned her attention back to Cain as she resumed her path towards him.

“N-nothing…” he sputtered, as Jason stepped backward sloppily and slammed his shoulder against stone. “It doesn’t… end this way.” His left hand found the hilt of a sword leaning against the Gate. He gripped the handle, dragging it behind him as he took three tentative steps towards the catwalk before falling on one knee again. He steadied himself with both hands, pushing himself upright once again.

And saw Kennedy walking towards him.

“Y-you. Stop glaring and… kill the witch.”

Watching Cain grab the sword, Kennedy couldn't help noticing how unbelievably weak he was getting. This was just not the way things were supposed to go. Had she chosen the wrong side? Shaking her head, she scowled inwardly trying to push those thoughts away. No, she hadn't. She'd done what she had to do.

"Y-you. Stop glaring and… kill the witch."

Furrowing her brow, the Slayer stopped again, looking at her boss with a frown.

"Kill what witch? Willow?" Her eyes widened at the thought. They might not be on good terms, but they had a past. He had to know that. Maybe that's why he was trying to do this. "I can't do that Mr. Cain."

She shook her head, her face set in pure determination.

"No, actually, it's not that I can't, but, I won't."



Never realized how long a few seconds could be. How much pain can blind you. And how the lack of pain can make things easier. I think I really already knew this was going to happen. that I wasn't going to make it out of this one alive. Damn, of all times to be right.

At least the metal went in and out quickly. My pink cami isn't going to look too extremely bad. The blood though.............don't know. What a thing to think about here in the end.

But I wanted to exit this life looking good. Got my wish I see.

I don't even know if she knows that a bolt was coming at her. The woman who hated me, I save. Figures. But it was for the bigger picture. Willow was needed, I am not. Well, not anymore. I fulfilled my part of this mission.

I hope they know how very blessed they are. They have this world, this wonderful world where freedom is a possibility to achieve.

If they win.

I wish I can just hang on long enough to win if we win.

So cold, the room is so cold.

One last look to see the hard to breathe..............

looking over at the monster I see magic swirling

we will win....................Beth be care...................


Jason Cain

"In... insolence!" he cried out. Kennedy's defiance fuelled his anger further. He was losing. The tide of the fight turned, all stored Gate energy dissipated into ether, and now she -- his lieutenant -- turned as well.

"Then it's on your head." With the last bit of strength in his legs, Jason lurched to his right, held the sword at chest height and lunged at a group of fighters nearby. The edge of the blade aimed specifically for the one thing that could cut Kennedy deep.


She could tell he was angry. It was all over his face. In his words as he spat them out at her. But there was no way she was killing Isabella or Willow. He was crazy if he thought she would seriously go that far.

But wasn't she on his side? His right hand? If so, why was she being so insolent as he'd accused her?

Keeping her eyes trained on him as he warned her that her defiance was on her head, she saw him gather up some strength and lift the sword in his hands. She moved closer towards him, slowly, just in case.

It was at that time he lunged, her eyes immediately seeking the point of his target. Isabella. Her quick reflexes kicking in, Kennedy dove forward, just in time to catch the weapon right through her shoulder blade. She screamed out in pain as she hit the ground. Not wasting any time, she pulled the sword from her flesh and again screamed as it slid out. The blood started to pour down her arm, but she was focused on him. Her face set in pure anger.

"Not a good move Cain." She'd never called him by merely his last name. Now in a sign of her removed loyalty, she did. "You see, you're weak now and I'm not. Slayer remember?"

She circled him, her eyes narrowed and her jaw clenched as she held the blood coated sword firmly in her hands.

"One in all the w-world," he spat in reply. Jason pushed on the sword but it held firm. "Abominations all, what that witch created. You never deserved--"

"Don't you tell me what I did and didn't deserve!" Kennedy cut him off, her anger escalating to dangerous levels. "You've taken everything from me. Made me into something I despise. Used my power for your own gain."

The words were flowing out of her as she circled him. Letting one hand fall away from the sword, she balled it into a fist, striking him in the face and knocking him to his knees.

"That was your plan all along right? You found me when I needed help most. When I was most vulnerable and everyone had pretty much turned their back on me." She laughed sarcastically, still circling him. "I was never more than something for you to use was I?"

Stopping in front of him, Kennedy grabbed him by the hair of the head and head butted him before spitting in his face.

"We see who has all the power now don't we?"

Open handed she slapped him. And again. And again. The tears of anger and rage pouring from her eyes as she stopped, raising the sword above her head.

"I was never more than something for you to use was I?" On his knees, prone for a final strike, Jason laughed. “Not just slayers… women are only to be used. Stupid girl.”

The sword inches from his brow but he wouldn’t flinch. Death was preferable than the alternative.

He waited for the killing blow.

And waited.

But Kennedy’s hand was stilled by another.

“Allow me,” Rupert offered.



Squeezing her eyes shut, Kennedy prepared herself for the final blow. To take someone's life. This wasn't a vamp or a demon. It was a human. But one that had meant something to her.

Blinking her eyes open, she looked down at him, her eyes full of hatred as he continued to spout out his insults. She just wanted him to shut up. She wanted it to end.

Taking a deep breath, she nodded to herself, readying the sword. Suddenly she felt a hand on hers and a soft voice speaking to her over all the chaos.

"Allow me."

Her head turned to meet the soft eyes of Giles. She dropped her gaze, ashamed to look at him now after all she'd done in Cain's name.

"I should be the one to do it. He...."

Glancing back up she again met his eyes and he nodded, letting her know it was okay. Her grip loosened slightly, thought not entirely as she raised her eyebrow.

"But, all I did...I don't deserve..."

The tears still running down her cheeks, she nodded back in affirmation, letting him have control of the weapon. She looked back at Cain one last time before stepping back.

“You don’t deserve his blood on your hands, Kennedy. Despite what you’d done, it’s in the past. You made the right decision when the time came.” Rupert’s voice was calm, reassuring. He’d been in this place once before, saved a slayer’s soul by literally taking matters into his own hands. Perhaps it was Rupert’s fate to replay the moment here as well.

The consequences were the same. They struggled to save the world. Take vengeance for lives lost. But, he knew, not everyone could carry - shouldn’t be forced to carry - this particular burden.

He relaxed Kennedy’s fingers and accepted the blade from her hand.

“Go. You shouldn’t have to witness this.”

Listening to his words, she felt the tears of shame and absolution mix with the ones of anger still fresh on her cheeks. She'd always known Giles to be a kind man, but this? This forgiveness he was showing her was unfathomable. Still, she was thankful.

"But it's my job Giles. To rid the world of evil. Human or not, you shouldn't have the blood on your hands either."

Kennedy watched him, her eyes searching his for answers. For questions. For something. For anything. Or maybe for nothing. He wasn't listening to her protests. And secretly, she was glad. Though she had been many things over the last year. Many despicable things in fact. One thing she wasn't was a murderer. Deep down, she knew she couldn't bring herself to do it.

But she would have done it. To save the world. Which was truly what she'd been Chosen for.

"Go. You shouldn't have to witness this."

Her bottom lip quivered slightly as the relief spread through her, coating the anger and pushing a small smile to her face. She nodded and turned towards the action that seemed to be slowing down. Only a few remained. Mostly the faces she knew. The ones she'd fought beside in the fall of Sunnydale and the new ones she'd met.

Her eyes met the blue ones that were glued to her and she moved away from Giles and Cain towards her future.


Space is not infinite. Time cannot be measured. Despite Einstein’s theories, you cannot escape the chains of existence by traveling faster than the speed of light, return to a past moment to change what you will become, belay an action that saved the world, only to lose your soul.

Rupert Giles was a killer. He once destroyed a god. In the process he lost his slayer, and a large part of his soul. He could never go back and change history.

The affectionately-named Scoobies kept him alive just enough in the aftermath, saving Willow amalgamated his past and present as friend and sorcerer, and the battle against the First gave him closure. Faith provided new purpose as a Watcher. Whistler put him on the path that brought everyone to this moment.

But it was Genesis Torres who found that piece of himself Rupert had lost and returned it. Jump-started his heart.

Rupert wouldn’t let hers stop. He refused to see any of his friends destroyed because of a single madman. One who wished to be a god.

Hands found Jason Cain’s throat and squeezed.

Cain fought back, unleashing every ounce of energy he’d stored to open the Gate, but Rupert’s shield held. Tendrils of power snaked around the metal structures, and Rupert could see one connect with the God-King Illyria. He’d hoped she was strong enough to weather it.

Thumbs pushed into windpipe. Breath became shallow, and eyes darkened.

Until finally, Jason Cain let go.
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