We're Off To See The Wizard - And Kill Him

Apr 30, 2005 07:31

We'll be off to Vegas soon... I told my little scamps (complete with their, "Yes, with all haste, your Holy Gamblingness!") to go on ahead and meet me there.

I was generous and spent money, out of the goodness of my immortal heart, just so that they could go economy class. Wasn't that nice of me? A couple of them still insisted on travelling like mini contortionists in wooden boxes in the plane's freight hold and mentioned something about suffering for the good of my will, so I let them do that too.

Then I realised that I hadn't passed a royal decree in quite some time, so decided to save the money and just make them all do it.

I'm concerned... Truly I am. And not just because that's such an icky human emotion to feel, either. From what I've found out, this Cain guy wants to stop me getting on my interdimensional bus ride home - which is a clear no-no, boys and girls.

If even half of the underworld gossip is true, he's got to be one of the meanest, sadistic, power-hungry, corrupt bigots in the whole of human history. So, obviously it's going to be a shame to have to kill him. He'd fit in wonderfully back home. Oooh! He could be Tabatha's manicurist!

I swear, that demoness has talons big enough to make a veliciraptor blush... I wonder how she's getting on now?

Anyway! Focus!

So, back to plans, I just need to get those details sorted out that I've been busy with all no my ownsome. Then, when that's done, I guess I'll go and have to play nice with them for a while before making my grand interfering entrance.

I suppose that'll be one burden off my shoulders and onto theirs, at least.

My precious minions were told not to poke their crooked noses in until yours truly makes an appearance. Hopefully they'll understand. I couldn't have afforded certain people to know my big secret, if one of them ever managed to get caught.

Something which, I might add, with all these covert genocidal clear-ups, the Council's been making increasingly likely.

Alas, as I say, it'll be a real shame to have to work against them openly now... We could've had so much fun nuking worlds and taking kingdoms!

Ah well! It's all going to be fun, fun, fun from here on in! If for no other reason than I get to wipe that Watcher's damn knowing grin off his face permanently...
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