Title: Sleep
Characters: BtVS, Angel, and Dollhouse ensembles
Rating: PG-13
Setting: AU, starting BtVS post-season four, Angel post-season one, Dollhouse pre-series
Disclaimer: Buffy, Angel, and Dollhouse and their concepts/characters © Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy Productions
Warnings: Blood, gore, sex, and swearing. The works.
Summary: The Gang knows most legends have truth to them. So when Angel brings them news of the mysterious Dollhouse in L.A., the Gang sets off to investigate.
“Hold up. In fact, slow down, apply an emergency break, and bring the ride to a complete stop here. The Dollhouse? As in, the Dollhouse Dollhouse?” Xander demanded incredulously.
“Giles,” Buffy prompted, ignoring the perplexity of the rest of the group.
“Buffy, the Dollhouse is an urban legend. It’s not, well...surely you don’t believe it’s real?” the Watcher replied.
“Okay, for those of us who aren’t as well-educated in the urban myth department,” Willow raised a tentative hand. “What’s a dollhouse? From what everyone’s saying, I’m guessing it’s not the Barbie and Ken dream real estate.”
“Far from it,” confirmed Anya with her usual dose of flippancy.
“Not a dollhouse, Will,” Xander broke in. “The Dollhouse. People have made a huge deal about it for, well, ever.”
“But what exactly is it?”
“It’s a myth, essentially.” This time, Giles didn’t turn to his usual habit of tugging various volumes from the shelves during his lecture. “It comes from the notion that there is an underground, um, house, if you will. It contains vast scientific knowledge and technology, designed to, well, wipe a person’s mind, in a way.”
“Wipe a person’s mind?” Tara glanced uneasily at Willow. “Like, like sucking out brains? It’s a brain-sucking thing?”
“Not exactly. It’s, um...Giles? Splainy?” Buffy indicated that her Watcher continue the explanation with a slight tilt of her head.
“The Dollhouse myth is based on the idea that there is existing technology that can, well...erase someone’s original personality and replace it with an entirely new one. Repeatedly. These, um, ‘Dolls’ are hired out to the extremely wealthy, implanted with any personality of the client’s choosing. When the task, whatever it was, is done, the ‘Doll’ returns to the house and has their personality erased again, leaving them with no memory of the incident.”
“Wow, Giles. You sure know a lot about this thing for it being an ‘urban legend’ and all,” Willow frowned.
“My entire line of work is based on myths,” the Watcher reminded her. “The Dollhouse is one that has been investigated and studied time and time again, but it’s never been exclusively proven that it exists. It’s simply too advanced and complex a theory to be real.”
“We fight demons and vamps every day,” Buffy countered. “Most of society tends to think those things are legends, too.”
“The forces of darkness we battle on a daily basis are, are supernatural, Buffy. Moreover, they’re, they’re, extremely ancient, archaic beings. These are creatures that have existed since before the dawn of humanity, and some before even the very concept of time.” Giles took off his glasses and started polishing them, continuing his lecture simultaneously. “The Dollhouse, on the other hand, is, is something that depends on extremely sophisticated technology. It-it-it involves theories that might not even work and is rooted in scientific advances I don’t think are remotely possible.”
“Oh, they’re possible, all right. Angel said some pretty interesting stuff.” Buffy turned to face the rest of the group, her expression growing grim. “Including his own take on the Dollhouse theory.”
“What’s the big scary, here?” Xander asked. “Even if the Dollhouse is real, how would he know?”
“Because they made themselves known.” Buffy’s voice was cold. “They took Faith. And it doesn’t take a genius to guess what they plan to do with her.”
“Oh, God, Buffy...are you sure?” Giles demanded.
"Angel’s pretty positive. He and Wes did some background checking. A security guard told Angel that Faith was removed from her cell by some government agents, but he did a little digging and found out where they’re really holding her. And it’s not a military or governmental installation.”
“The Dollhouse is real,” Tara breathed. “Like, really real.”
“Is that such a problem, though?” Willow asked quietly.
All heads whipped to face her. The redhead shrank back slightly, but continued regardless.
“I mean, Faith’s always been kind of...my not-favoritist person in the world, yeah, but maybe this could help her. Not having to deal with these kinds of paying-for-my-past-sins-type things? I don’t know, Buffy. Maybe there’s some good in that.”
“According to Angel, that means Faith is gonna be carted around like some sex slave. For five. Years. Will, no one deserves that. Not even Faith.”
“As sophisticated and, and above society the Dollhouse may claim to be,” Giles interrupted. “When you come down to it, it’s really all just a glossed-over form of human trafficking. Faith has made some poor choices in her past, but wiping away her soul will not solve those problems by any means.”
“Giles is right,” Buffy added. “She’ll just get a five-year-break and then go back to the guilt trip. Even after what she’s put me through - what she’s put us all through - Faith doesn’t deserve to become someone’s slave.”
"That's not what I was worried about," Xander put in. Several heads turned to stare at him, all wearing identical puzzled frowns. "Anyone else thinking 'Initiative?'"
"You don't think the Dollhouse has ties in the military?" Giles asked, taking off his glasses.
"Even if they don't, Faith won't be able to keep being a Slayer a secret from them," Buffy finished grimly. "Especially if they wipe her. Giles, if they find out about who she is - what she is - "
“I guess we’re all agreed then.” Xander sprang to his feet. “Weapons all around. Let’s rush in, guns a’blazin’, and kick some Dollhouse-ass.”
At everyone’s skeptical looks, Xander quickly sat back down again, looking only slightly embarrassed.
“It’s not as simple as that,” Buffy replied steadily. “What about the Hellmouth? We can’t just leave it exposed like this.”
“It hasn’t exactly been action central since the big Adam-thrashing we did last week,” Xander put in helpfully. “Most of the vamps are too freaked to get vampy just yet, and a lot of demons died back down in the Initiative.”
“I know Spike’s been doing a lot of extra demon-slaying himself. Not like he has a lot of other things to do,” Willow added.
“So what’s this mean? Are we all going to L.A.?” Anya turned to her boyfriend pleadingly. “We’re not going to L.A., are we? I’ve heard some really scary things go on in that place. I mean, the name alone was just some idiot being ironic - ”
“Probably not all of us, unfortunately,” Buffy cut in. “This whole thing could get really out of hand really soon, and it’d be best if some of us stayed behind to keep all things Hellmouth-y in check. Spike’s already a no-go, obviously, but I think some people should stay behind. For insurance, you know.”
“I’m staying.” Anya dropped down firmly in Giles’ desk chair, as though that would solve the manner immediately.
"You sure, Ahn?”
“Didn’t you hear a word I just said? The whole ‘City of Angels’ thing is a compete mislead. They should call it the ‘City of evil-crawly demon armies from hell who wanna rip your lungs out.’ Frankly, - ”
"You guys can work out those issues however you want.” Buffy interrupted Anya’s ramblings for the second time. “I’m leaving tonight. Whoever wants to come along, get packed and meet me at the nearest bus stop by eight.”
“Buffy, surely we should take a little more time to plan things out - ” Giles reasoned.
“This thing is big, evil, and it might already know about Faith and I. Frankly, I’m about worked up enough to do a little ass-kicking. We can plan once we get to L.A., and Angel knows more about this than we do. Right now, I’m just concerned with getting there.”
~ ~ ~
Buffy spent an unusually short time packing, only cramming enough clothes and equipment for a week into two bags, weapons included. She thought she’d be the first one there - possibly even the only one - but such was not the case.
“Hey, Buff.” He grinned easily. “I would wave, but my hands are kind of full.” He also carried two bags, though both looked considerably lighter than Buffy’s bulging luggage.
“You’re here early.” She frowned. “Where’s Anya?”
“You’re lucky you left Giles’ early last night,” her friend smiled ruefully. “You didn’t have to listen to her rattle on and on about how demon-infested L.A. is. Somewhere during that speech, she told me repeatedly that no amount of sex would get her to come along.”
“Wasn’t she worried you’d get hurt?”
"She didn’t seem particularly anxious once I told her you’d be there.”
“Glad I rate high on Anya’s approval list.”
“Anya has an approval list?”
“You didn’t think I’d stay behind when there was Scoobyage afoot, didja?” Xander and Buffy tried to wave as best they could with no hands. Willow merely shrugged hello, as her arms were similarly weighted down with bags.
“Where’s Tara?”
“Summer courses. She wanted to come, but she couldn’t to miss that much class.”
“Well, Anya didn’t want anything to do with, as she put it, ‘that overrated proverbial Hellmouth,’ so I guess we’re in the same boat.”
“The same bus, you mean.”
“Los Angeles is on a Hellmouth?”
“Giles, hey!”
“Whaddaya mean, L.A.’s on a Hellmouth? I didn’t think it was Hellmouth-y!”
“No, Buff. Anya just said it might as well be, seeing how many demons and evil nasties it attracts. That...wasn’t as comforting as it could have been.”
“Are we the only ones going?”
“Anya and Tara couldn’t make it. Actually, Anya just didn’t want to make it. I think you, Willow, Xander, and me are it, Watcher-mine.”
“I just hope it’s enough to rescue Faith.”
“I can’t even say those two words in the same sentence. ‘Rescue’ and ‘Faith.’ The two prospects should be as far apart as possible.”
“She does feel bad for what she did, Will. I saw her. She willingly went to the police.”
“Well, it was about time!”
“Willow - ”
“Sorry, sorry. I’ll be non-anti-Faith-girl from now on.”
The approaching bus cut off any further conversation. The four assembled friends exchanged one last flurry of smiles before climbing the steps and watching the ‘Now Leaving Sunnydale - come back soon!’ sign disappear behind them.