As it turns out, the world hasn't ended, after all.
Oh, there have apparently been several incidents in our absence that would possibly signal the end of life as we know it, such as
Spike and
Xander taking over for
Angel in Los Angeles. But it would seem that, for all the worrying that
Wesley and I did in regards to Mayor Wilkins somehow being able to alter the future thanks to our presence...well, it seems our fears were for naught.
I must remember to commend
Buffy's resourcefulness upon being trapped in the past with
Cordelia and
Anya. Sending a letter to the Council was something Wesley and I had decided against, but having the Council hold on to such a letter and deliver it at a pre-determined time...well, if I had needed a reason to be proud of my charge, that would have sufficed.
Speaking of commendation, I must also acknowledge Wesley himself. Were it not for him, I would have probably met my end at the hands of one of Mayor Wilkins' demon thugs, if not Wilkins himself. Wesley has come a long way from the man he was when we met in the library of Sunnydale High years ago. Perhaps it's been his time with Angel that has steeled him, or perhaps it's been the love of
his wife. Regardless, I owe him my life, and I'm proud to call him an ally and a friend.
Speaking of Angel, he was apparently cast into the future with
Harmony, where he came into contact with
a Slayer several generation removed from our own who almost proved to be his doom. According to Angel, the spell returning him and Harmony to the present was sabotaged, and as a result, Miss Fray was cast into the past, as well. He has suggested conferring with myself, Wesley, and Buffy as to determine the next course of action in returning her to her own time.
After conferring with
Willow, however, Angel's well-being might be cause for some concern. Willow herself was thrown into the past with
Charles Gunn. After securing the help of the Svean priestesses of the era for their return home, they were apparently accosted by Angelus -- Angel before he had been cursed by the gypsy clan. Angelus threatened to disrupt the spell and kill everyone, until Gunn sacrificed his life to buy time for Willow to return.
It's obvious that Angel has no recollection of this particular act, though I'm unclear as to how, since he's proven on several occasion to have a chillingly strong memory of his time as Angelus. Willow has asked to be the one to break the news to him, given her presence. I've no idea how he will react to the news of the death of one of his friends, to say nothing of learning he was responsible, indirect as it may have been.
To make matters worse,
Ethan has slipped through our fingers yet again. His part in all this may or may not have been with his full knowledge. However, finding him should be a priority, as he could lead us to the true culprit.
All things considered, though, we should count ourselves lucky that we weren't all killed, to say nothing about the very integrity of the space-time continuum. Things should return to normal soon.
Provided I don't jinx us all by making such bold proclamations such as that.