There's such a thing that some folks are born with called perfect pitch. If I understand it correctly, the "pitcher" if you will (heh heh) can discern with nothing more than just listening skills, whether or not a note is correctly performed. It also sort of makes them incapable of singing a wrong note, since that would be abhorrent to their ears. Now let's talk about Star Trek...
Pitch Perfect, I say! If I may continue my musical analogy, not only did they hit all the notes, they sang them loud! It's hard enough to make a good movie, but add on the iconic Trekkie weight and that's a heavy load to lift. Well, Goldarn it, they did it! There was actually a point where I turned to
notashamed and said, "This is really exciting!" They also did something that I didn't think was possible. They gave Kirk depth. I actually liked the bastard. You've got to admire anyone who will take a beating to buy time for his companions. A backstory that creates his character? More than one emotion? That's more than Gene Roddenberry ever wrung out of Shatner! Fantastic casting all around. Great look to the movie. A story that never crumpled under it's own weight. Oh, and green skinned chicks are kind of hot. It confirms what we all knew already. All female roommates, alien or no, just tend to hop around their apartments in their underwear.
By request, I may start saying "fascinating" much more often.
If you're looking for some good podcasts, may I humbly submit the following. "The History of Rome"- Really gets into depth on the where's and why's of the Empire, and most importantly the Who's. Really does his homework n the people who made Rome what it was. Also, "Hardcore History" _Incredibly knowledgeable and an addictive Shatner-esque delivery make this a ton of fun. Dan Harlin puts a lot of thought into this, I mean, I never even thought about what was my favorite year in history. I was hooked after the Winston Churchill episode. These shows have opened up an insatiable need for any and all history books I can get my hands on about Rome. I've been meaning to cancel my account for reasons which I will not get into here, but I keep thinking of things I want to see. "Rome" Season 1 is on the way, y'all and I for one, am stoked.
I'm really enjoying being a "homeowner" or at least a home dweller. I'm planting flowers and patching grass and organizing basements. I've also got some friends who have houses and I'm suffering from a severe case of yard envy. I'm sure this would fade about 17 minutes in, but the toil of yardwork sounds really fun to me! Grass is always greener! Wocka Wocka!!!
Couple projects today and then catching up on Lost episodes. Please note that comic book reading falls under the heading of "projects".