Character Sheet: Lily Evans

Mar 02, 2008 03:06

Name: Lily Evans
Nickname: Lils
Birth date: Jan 30
Bloodline: Muggle
Wand: Willow, 10 1/4", swishy
Occupation: Student
Animal: Barn Owl, Janis
Eyes: Green
Hair: Long, dark red, wavy

Home Life:
Home: Near Spinners End in a rundown industrial area of Northern England.
Mother: Iris
Father: Paul
Sibling: Petunia Evans
Financial Standards: Middle Class
Parents Occupation: Industrial (Factory) workers, managers

School: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
House: Gryffindor

First Impression: A friendly, smart, matter-of-fact girl who laughs too loudly .
Goals/Dreams: To be an Auror, or at least a barrister in the ministry of Magic.

- Picks at the holes in her favorite pair of jeans when nervous
- Twirls her hair
- Can drink a butterbeer in 26 seconds

- Naps at odd hours
- Reading anything and everytihng
- Grassy fields
- Autumn
- Janis Joplin
- Muggle music in general
- Muggle clothes, especially jeans and kerchiefs
- Potions
- Charms

- Prejudice, especially for being Muggleborn
- Being ditched by best friends for Dark Arts
- Cockiness with no substance
- Vomit flavoured Bertie Botts Beans

Height: 5’6”
Weight: 130lbs
Build: Slender, though she hates the fact that her knees are knobby.
Face & Complexion: Pale skin, heart shaped face with high cheekbones, green eyes. Not hazel, not blue, but clear green - don’t get it wrong.
Manner of speech: Blunt. She says what she thinks.
Possessions on him always: Her wand, a small notebook where she records thoughts.

Eyesight: 20/20, except when reading. She has a small pair of glasses that she wears when the text is particularly small but is serious about magnifying charms.
Hearing: Perfect
Left/Right/Ambi: Right
Disabilities: None
Physical Health: Good, but she’s allergic to the grass she loves so much

IQ: High
Extrovert/ Introvert: Extrovert ( often described as “bright,” and “vivacious,”), but she doesn’t open up easily when something is bothering her.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual.
Turn Ons: Reading outside in the sunshine, under a tree; wizard boys in Muggle clothes; faded and worn t-shirts, rumpled hair, holes in the knee of jeans, humor, intelligence, humility, glasses
Turn Offs: Prejudice, assumptions, spoilsports, excessive sincere cockiness, the third floor broom closet floor because it’s sticky.

Book: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen; Potions Moste Inconceivable by Aloysius Frieber
Animal: Dogs
Colour: Blue
Drink: Anything, as long as she's invited out with friends
Food: Chocolate, of any kind

Character Background:

Lily grew up in an industrial area of Northern England. While her family was in no way affluent, their section of town was generally not considered the worst place to raise a family, although that part of town was not too far away. The close proximity to this severely dilapidated area of town where many poor and downtrodden people lived was what brought Lily into contact with her first friend in the Wizarding world, Severus Snape, who met her on the playground at the border of Spinners’ End.

Severus and the wizarding world caused tension between Lily and her older sister Petunia, who was jealous that Lily got to escape town and go to Hogwarts. Lily and Petunia had been inseparable up until Lily left for Hogwarts, and Petunia never was able to forgive her. Now 16, Lily was not even sure that she would be invited to Petunia’s wedding when she inevitably married Vernon Dursley, a man she met while she was a waitress in a diner by Spinners’ End. Lily is not a fan of Vernon Dursley, a very large man with a big blonde mustache and more ambition than Slytherin house, minus any intelligence.

When Lily had gotten to Hogwarts, though she knew Severus hoped she would be in Slytherin like he thought he would be (Evans before Snape, after all), she knew that she would not be sorted there. She got on the train and heard the word for what people called wizards born from regular people and knew indefinitely that she was not a Slytherin. The Hat had barely touched her head before it yelled “Gryffindor!”

She met the rest of her year, making friends with her dorm mates and some of the older students immediately. Her best friend in the house is Benjy Fenwick, a seventh year. Her year’s crop of boys proved to be more difficult, and she developed an intense dislike for James Potter and Sirius Black, and by extension was wary of both Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew. Mostly, they were mean to Severus, and Severus was her friend. As determined as they were to stick up for each other, Lily was determined to stick up for Severus.

Lily is friendly with her fellow prefects, especially Remus Lupin. Lily is bright; Lily suspects what is happening to Remus. Lily would never want to expose or exploit him, because he is her co-Prefect and has been since Fifth year. She was pleasantly surprised by Dumbledore’s choice of Marley McKinnon in Ravenclaw, Amelia Bones in Hufflepuff, and of Lupin. He is quiet and studious, a good match for her over exuberant chatter and a sounding board for her emphatic opinions on everything under the sun, delivered in a matter-of-fact, too-fast manner. Lily also will not admit that she harbored a tiny crush on Remus when they were first named Prefect, a crush that has long since passed
As the years passed, Lily spent most of her free time with Severus, to the disdain of her both her housemates and his. She is disturbed, however, by his increasing fascination with Dark Arts and things he can learn from the people in Slytherin, things like blood supremacy. As Severus delves deeper into the subjects, Lily knows she cannot follow him. This hurts her because she has gone down the same path since learning about Hogwarts, but she let it slide until the unfortunate incident involving Severus's underpants by the lake. He called her a Mudblood, a word that while she has heard it before, its effects did not touch her, probably because Severus shielded her from the brunt of it.

After the incident with Severus, two things of importance happened. One, she almost lost her virginity to Benjy Fenwick in an attempt to distance herself from Snape. The physical nature of the incident was fine, but they decided that they are not meant to be more than friends. The wild night comes up occasionally, but neither are ashamed, embarrassed, or upset about it. They can joke freely; after all, they've seen each other naked.

Two, she realized that she prided herself on having impeccable taste in people and understanding of their character and had failed. She worries now that she has been harboring false prejudices and a fair amount of pride in relation to James and Sirius and wonders if she can ever make up for it.

Very recently, she's started seeing James, partly a result of realising that hatred is the flip side to something much more enjoyable, and partly a result of her realization that she could be wrong about people when she doesn't pause to see their true colors. She is more than pleasantly surprised by what a good person he is. His loyalty to his friends and his intelligence intrigue her, but what really matters is that he accepts everything about her, including when she's daft and rude, and her upbringing.

Her world in general is about to be shaken up -- she does not realize that it is more than a Slytherin taunt to be called "Mudblood." She has been spared a lot of abuse as a result of her friendship with Severus, and this has changed.

She likes to sneak off with a good book and daydream, often in the grass by the lake with Benjy or Michael.

She wants to be an Healer one day, but she is having a small crisis of conscience about good and evil, right and wrong. She likes to prove that she’s smart. Lily is exceptional at Potions, one of a very select few in the NEWT level class. Unfortunately, that puts her into contact with Severus, who she likes to pretend does not exist beyond his wistful glances her way.

Overall, Lily is just trying to figure things out, one day at a time, without getting utterly flummoxed by James Potter in Muggle jeans.

character sheet, lily evans

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