The Devil is in the Detail: How a Hospital Bracelet Helped Me Write Better Fiction

Jul 23, 2012 19:05

Today, as I was walking to the grocery store, I noticed a hospital bracelet much like the one in the picture above tossed onto the sidewalk.
I sidestepped it and kept going, but I couldn't stop the flood of questions that bracelet evoked. "Whose bracelet was it? Why had they been in the hospital? Why had they yanked it off and tossed it outside of a grocery store?" I found myself in the store, but I wasn't shopping for food anymore. I was shopping for story. I was looking for the meaning of that bracelet, and I wanted to go back outside, and pluck it up, and read the name on it.
And then suddenly I had a small epiphany (or as my husband calls it, "a bit of crazy").
I knew that If I did go out and find that bracelet again, the name on it would undoubtedly be Olivia Black.

For more of this post, go to my website HERE.

ghost hand, on writing

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