Today, as I was walking to the grocery store, I noticed a hospital bracelet much like the one in the picture above tossed onto the sidewalk.
I sidestepped it and kept going, but I couldn't stop the flood of questions that bracelet evoked. "Whose bracelet was it? Why had they been in the hospital? Why had they yanked it off and tossed it outside of a grocery store?" I found myself in the store, but I wasn't shopping for food anymore. I was shopping for story. I was looking for the meaning of that bracelet, and I wanted to go back outside, and pluck it up, and read the name on it.
And then suddenly I had a small epiphany (or as my husband calls it, "a bit of crazy").
I knew that If I did go out and find that bracelet again, the name on it would undoubtedly be Olivia Black.
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