Jul 06, 2005 20:32
So, I found out this evening, when I got home from work that my friend Arriel has passed away, I will miss her, she was a most eloquent writer (among other things). I wish I had the words to say, but I'm not sure I do. She was always good to me & treated me with respect. She wasn't a shit talker and if you needed someone to talk to, she was often there & if she couldn't talk, she'd tell you who could. She could vomit at will and was the one who got me to hone my geek trick (up the nose, out the mouth). She always appeared to have a smile, but I know that she wasn't always smiling inside. I don't even know what the hell I'm saying, but it sucks losing a friend. Even if we weren't totally tight, she was still cool. I feel sorry for her family & the closest of her friends. I can't even get out to go to her memorial thingy. I've got to stay here. (got shit to do) I'll remember to give her brother a big huge hug when I see him next. Blargh...this sucks.
R.I.P. - arrielgurl
tattoos & wisdom.