complaining, whinging or whatever you want to dub it

May 11, 2011 15:36

I feel like absolute crud. Stupid summer cold. I hate feeling cloudy and congested, and it's even worse now that my job involves being on the damn phone. Not sexy to be on the phone and have a runny nose all at the same time.

This week has been kind of hell so far. It's like been a cosmic race to see how many things can break at once so we can get some off the wall phone calls. Not to mention there is alwayas the occasional call that makes you stop. Blink. And think "really?" because it's such a really obvious answer that it's surprising someone took the time to call about it.

I'm definitely ready for vacation. I'm counting down the days until July. I am hoping it's not going to be a million degrees in England while I'm there considering I know most places I'll be staying at will not be air conditioning friendly. I may just die of heat stroke. We are planning to make a trip down to Salisbury while we are in London, this isn't a maybe, it's an absolutely, I'm going to have Steph order tickets as soon as June rolls around just so we FOR SURE have a trip lined up. It's something we are both really looking forward to since we both love history. How much more historic can you get than something left by the Druids! (Hyperbole is the greatest thing ever!)

Ugh, and now the fog closes in. This better go away fast, I have crap I have to do this weekend. Grill out (Barbeque for those who are not of the US origin), plant some flowers, hopefully PSN will be back up so some serious Dragon Age II playing with the new DLC I plan to purchase. I definitely don't want to be planting outside and feeling like warmed over poo. Though I'm sure my dogs will be more than happy to help me dig, since another part of my job is to fill in holes THEY have made bigger in our yard. Piper does love to find and dig up rocks while she's outside. Damn dog doesn't even have the good sense to come in out of the rain we have to "trick" her back inside usually. She is getting much better at catching the frisbee, now I'm slowly working on getting her to fetch a ball and actually bring it back (she kind of does the frisbee, she brings it to me and drops it behind me). It's hard to teach her fetch though when a tennis ball lasts maybe 10 minutes with her.

I do need to start pouring over my ComptiaA+ book though. I gotta get that crap learned and test taken. I've hit a wall though since I've not entered the sections that seem to be written in nothing but acronyms. Fun.


Oh well. Enough bitching for now.


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