Apr 18, 2010 23:52
Other than Saturday morning it was a pretty lazy weekend. Saturday however I helped out at a nursing home for my sisters church. Honestly not high on my list of things to do, I've NEVER felt comfortable in a nursing home, neither visiting or working there (had to work in one in High School for one of my classes). That unease hasn't changed much, add in they made us SING in front of everyone I really wished I'd down a couple shots of my saki before leaving the house. Fun stuff.
Afterwards I got home and Steph and I proceeded to catch way up on the TV we missed while she was at home. I'll definitely admit to loving that Glee is back, squeeing when Idina Menzel graced the screen, then laughing as I realized the complete in joke (there's lots of talk of Lea Michele looking like a younger version of Idina Menzel, and Idina's character on Glee was pretty much a more mature version of Lea's character, Rachel). Unfortunately the episode was completely predictable and really treaded old ground. Schue is still a tool, full of wonderful and creative ideas but he's still crap at executing anything. Sue seemed to be mean for means sake and it's becoming less funny since we discovered her character actually HAS depth and I really want it to be explored. I'm also still disappointed in the over produced musical numbers and started to become frustrated that there doesn't seem to be a tenor on this show that doesn't whine every note. And to be fair it drives me crazy that a lot of bands do this as well. Hit the note. Hit it in your octave. Don't hit the note in a higher pitch than what you sing so you sing it out of your head in a whiny way, it just sounds awful.
My Christmas wish though is to have Idina come back so her character and Rachel can have a sing off or at least some kind of on screen connection. Ooo...maybe Idina could play her REAL mother...oh the possibilities. Then once Idina is back Cheno can pop up in a cameo. What? A girl can dream right?
I will say I laughed my ass off at the Sue Sylvester posing as Madonna in the mock Vogue video. I cracked up the whole time (and also couldn't help but wonder if all the body shots were Jane Lynch or a body double. If it was Jane Lynch that woman has a smokin' body for her age). I also loved the "Will Schuester I Hate You" line thrown in while voguing. Loved. It.
It also made me miss music Madonna USED to sing. I'll take "Like a Prayer" and "Vogue" any day over ANY of her new electronic crap she's singing now. And the faux British accent drives me nuts. I've seen the Blonde Ambition tour, the girl sounded EVERY BIT like someone from Michigan. And it was THICK as well.
But what do I know. Oh wait I do know. I date someone English and *I* do not sound a bit like a Brit. Sure British words slip in, but the accent is still all my own.
Anyway, moving on. I'm still up in the air on Nurse Jackie. I DO want Jackie to have her house of cards come crumbling down, but the way they have everything written this far, I don't see how they can have the cards tumble without Jackie ending up purposely OD'ing. Last season she got so stressed everyone THOUGHT she OD'd, and I believe she thought about it (since we haven't heard ANYTHING about the incident yet). To lose her job, husband, drug connections and kids, I just don't see Jackie handling it well. And that for me will take this quirky show into TOO dark a path. We'll see.
I AM interested in O'Hara having a girlfriend. I did call the possibility earlier in the season due to an article Steph and I read about the show a few months back. Maybe we can at least have some lesbian sexuality back on the small screen (yay!).
Now. Doctor Who. First, I'm still not 100 percent on the Matt Smith train. He didn't bomb it like I feared, but he still has such a baby face (and an ugly one at that, IMO) that it's hard to believe he's anything older than the 20-something that he actually is. I'll give him time before I pass judgement but so far I'm NOT seeing anyone with the weight of 900 years on them.
I was however impressed by his new companion. She seems to be what the love child of Martha and Donna would be. Head strong, quick witted and very willing to pull the Doctor down when he gets self righteous and godly. I can live with that, AS LONG as they lean more towards the Doctor/Donna relationship and steers far far away from the Doctor/Rose and Doctor/Martha relationships. I DO NOT want to watch ANOTHER companion wanting to get into the Doctor's pants. I hate that. It's not entertaining TV. At least not with the old writers. Hell even in the damn Ultimate Guide to Doctor Who there was WAY more Rose than Martha, Donna or even Amy Pond (and the actress was giving INTERVIEWS). Ok, I might be exaggerating, but it's really not by much. And it bugs. Rose was my LEAST favourite companion simply because she became more immature the longer she was with the Doctor and she ENCOURAGED his "I'm greater than ANYTHING" mindset. Hate.
And she never closed her mouth.
Anyway back to the episode. It was definitely well written and I'm looking forward to this season now even if I'm not yet convinced Matt Smith is a good fit. It is a fit I can live with unless he starts blundering his way through episodes. I just wish he had a bit more gravitas. Oh well.
I did notice they are bringing back River Song. It took a minute to recognize her since the makeup staff for some reason set their makeup brushes to whore when doing Alex Kingstons makeup. I get why they did it, I mean David Tennant was MUCH closer to the actresses age so the gap was less noticeable. But when you have a 20 something acting next to a woman headed towards 50 I think TPTB were afraid the age gap would be noticeable. So they put a kabuki mask on her instead. I am disappointed they did it because Alex Kingston does NOT look her age in the least. But what are you going to do? I'll be glad to have her back because it'll be fun to see two women who aren't afraid to give the Doctor the what for instead of two women pining after him.
Though I do have one nitpick. WHAT is with this standby of "Doctor swoops in to get a companion days before, or day of wedding". It's like it's been a standby or something since "Runaway Bride" (honestly one of my favourites because Catherine Tate nails comedy and comedic delivery). It's annoying. Certainly not everyone in Great Britain is ready to cut and run on their wedding with some handsome (use the term loosely in this case) stranger.
That's pretty much it so far. I'm glad to have new Who though. I haven't decided what I'll call Eleven yet though, Doctor Chin, Doctor Fivehead or Doctor Nerd. I need to think on it more, Nine and Ten were much easier to name.
As for the rest of the weekend? Just hung around the house mostly and played video games. I did wander out and did some weed killing after running around with the dog in the back yard for a bit. She cheats now though, she'll do her circles around me then leg it into the house, the little shit. Then she'll stand at the door and look at me with what I know has to be the doggy "Neener, neener" look.
I'm progressing nicely on Final Fantasy and I can't wait till next month when I can pick up a new game. Though now that I've played God of War I and II, I don't know if I want to pick up III or Dragon Age. I'm in such a quandry :(.
It's even harder since I've heard NOTHING but good things for BOTH of those games. Though from playing the God of War III demo it is quite a bit gorier than the first two. Which sucks, but fortunately isn't the focus on the game. But a couple parts did make me cringe and think "Was that necessary?". So that's one thing going in Dragon Age's favour.
And I'm still trying to figure out if it's a good thing, or a pathetic thing that I'm known by first name at the local GameStop now? Oh well.