Jul 03, 2007 01:32
I suppose I should update of some kind, right? I mean I have been gone a week and had a vacation, I must have LOTS to talk about.
But I'm not motivated at all to say anything. Which sucks. Most of it comes from just sheer exhaustion. I've slept only a few hours every night for the past week, and am only now starting to catch up. One night was even worse than the rest since I ended up getting tangled in my blankets, thus causing a panic attack, meaning I woke up completely.
Never fun getting back to sleep afterwards. My mom was also mad at me because I couldn't sleep with my neice. I'm not a fan of cuddling (well...ok, I'm all for it with certain people *g*), but my niece doesn't cuddle, she lays ON TOP of you, and that woke me up every time she did it. So the first night I got about 2 hours sleep and then drove for 8.
As for Boston, it was pretty fun. Very informative for history buffs, and I gotta say I was surprised with how many foreign people were in the area. I know, super naive on my part, but it still surprised me.
The highlights for me first and foremost was the Samuel Adams Brewery. It was tiny, and not a bottling factory, but definitely fun. Plus I got three glasses of the good stuff out of the deal *g*. The first was their typical lager, the second was their Summer Ale (which was by far my favourite) and the third glass was a special brew only available for the Oktoberfest competition (my second favourite).
Salem was also a highlight, a very quaint city (well...now that they aren't persecuting 300 people for witchcraft *g*). We went to the Salem Witch Museum, which was dinky, but again, informative.
I am tired of driving now, that's for sure. It was one long ass drive, and I was ready to be home (and no my webcam had nothing to do with it). Oh, and I actually got a tan other they my computer tan so I suppose it was all worth it.
Tomorrow I'm going to go see Transformers (robots in disguise...), and the rest of the week I just want to survive work and not kill everyone. I'm so on edge it's unbelievable.