I suppose I should update, but really, I've been to lazy. Big surprise there, no?
Anyway, of course this weekend was busier than all get out. What with Mother's Day (for us US folks) and my mom's B'Day (she's 17 years young! *smirk*), it was just constantly doing things. Which wasn't too bad, kept me occupied from my gratuitously bad day on Friday, which has been erased from existence in my mind by now to keep me from blowing an absolutely gasket.
But, was up bright and early on Saturday, my sister got some breakfast on her way home from her Victory Field sleep over with the Brownies (my niece is one). My mom was on a road trip so we ate out for breakfast *g*. Then we headed over to the movies because I'm a cheap skate and a firm believer in going before noon to save 2 dollars a ticket.
Yes it was for Spider-Man 3. Yes, I still liked it. Also
I'm failing to get why everyone is so pissed off about Venom knowing Sandman's connection to Peter. Eddie Brock figured out Peter was Spider-Man moments before becoming the infamous Venom, it's not a big stretch that he'd do VERY little digging to find out the connection between Peter and Sandman. It would take just as much digging to figure out about Sandman's daughter as well. It's not a big stretch, it's just not blatantly spelled out. So what, now it's piss poor writing if the script DOESN'T treat the audience like idiots? Even the second time around KNOWING everyone's issue with this scene it didn't bother me, it still made sense. HELLO PEOPLE, he was dating the POLICE COMMISSIONER'S daughter! It wouldn't take a whole lot to get a little bit of inside info..
Anyways, later that day we were having a cookout for my mom's birthday, steaks, yummy *gags*. So I opted to have a chicken breast and grilled veggies instead. It was much, MUCH better than steak *g*.
I was also fortunate enough to escape from the company and hide out in my room. Now that is always pleasant and much less stressful for me.
Sunday I got dragged into church. It wasn't awful, but I still find it VERY difficult going to church now without finding my mind drifting to other things and I'm constantly hoping my mom doesn't notice. Last thing I need is another "Has SATEN gotten ahold of you!" discussion.
My mom is cool, but she can certainly have moment's of wierdness. That was one of them.
After church it was lunch time with the rest of the family for Mother's Day. At a buffet.
Buffet's really aren't my favourite type of restaurant, but I sucked it up and survived *g*.
Somewhere during the weekend I'd discovered I lost my CBR, which sucked since I don't have a backup. I'm not wearing one of my girlfriends rings to make sure the hole doesn't close, even if this ring isn't even a gauge ring.
And yes, before everyone freaks out, I DID clean it off with alcohol first. I'm not COMPLETELY stupid.