Sulu owns

Feb 21, 2007 19:17

Because Sulu is awesome...

Yeah, I about peed myself laughing when I watched this.

It is interesting reading about this whole Tim Hardaway thing. Yes, he has a right to his opinion, we all do. But in that respect, is it ok to blanketly hate someone due to some part of who they are? Is it ok to hate ALL black people, or ALL muslim people, or ALL jewish people? That is MY issue with it. He has a right to not like me, but I also don't think people are "overreacting" due to his comments either. There are better ways to express your disgust in the gay "lifestyle" (ugh, I won't even touch THAT one) without giving ammunition to all people who would literally enjoy killing all of us. It's hard enough getting hate crime laws set in place as it is.

But really, it's the comments to what he's said that's more entertaining. Many of which are very ignorant of things outside their own little world. Which I'm not surprised about. So lets look at a few of these...

For instance, the "gays are more feminine and lesbians are more masculine" argument. Seriously, do people really think all fags are queens and all dykes are butch...still? I give two examples, Portia De Rossi and Neil Patrick Harris. Neither are ones you'd look at and immediately know they were gay. Lets move up in the world and away from stereotypes, the queens and butchs don't make up the entirety of the LGBTQ world.

Going from that, if I hear one more "one is the man and one is the woman" comment, I'll have even less hair. Let's make this more clear. I'm a lesbian. I am a lesbian because I love girls. Not boys. Not penises (penii?). So that means I'm with a girl. We are both women. So we both take on the role of...a friggin woman! No one is a man, we didn't WANT a man in our relationship, that's why we are dykes! And what is a "man" role? Why does there NEED to be a man role? Women function perfectly well without a man, and vice versa. What's the necessity in thinking there's a man role and a woman role? Why can't there just be a lover's role...period. As in you love your partner, and that's the only role that even matters, everything else will fall into place.

Another, what does being queer have to do with bestiality? I've never gotten that one. How does a loving relationship between two CONSENTING adults (whether you agree with it or not) compare to bestiality? Last I checked, animals can't really voice a consent.

Being gay doesn't mean you are a paedophiled. Yes, some see them both as sexual perversians, and again, that's their choice, but being one does not make you the other. Oddly, most gay people prefer people of the legal age, just as most straight people do. I know it's wierd.

What other kinds of comments did I come across...OH, if you are going to throw bible verses at me, pick a stance then. None of this "The Old Testament is just stories, but it's the New Testament, the words of Jesus Christ that must be listened to", then go back to the old testament to throw bible verses at me. That's just not cool.

Also, if you are going to throw bible verses around the way politicians throw around lies, remember this. Judge not lest ye be judged.

I have to answer for my sins, they do not affect you, touch you, harm you in any way. It's not like us gay people are just shagging on the street corners. We are not "flaunting" it because we are with our lovers in public places or talk about them. Seriously, if we are flaunting then so are all you hetero's, so what goes for one, goes for the other.

Oh, and for the record, homosexuality isn't some "new" trend. It's not something that just cropped up as being "popular" in 1950's America. Read some history...specifically Greek and Roman.

Another major, MAJOR misconception about the LGBTQ community is the whole issue of promiscuity. Seriously, we are no more promiscuous than our straight brothers and sisters, I'm not entirely sure where this concept came from. We are just as capable of long term loving relationships as hetero's are, and hetero's are just as capable to be as whorish as we can be. I think the balance is pretty even on this issue, I don't even know why it comes in to play.

To kind of go with that one in a roundabout way would be the concept that all gay people were molested, and THAT is why they are gay. This is just completely false. Yes, many have been molested, but many STRAIGHT people have as well. Being molested doesn't mean that you will be gay. Usually being molested spurs a couple responses, one being someone NEVER becomes sexually active, another being someone does become promiscuous. Not necessarily gay. Molestation is a trust and body violation, nothing to do with sexual orientation.

Hmmm...I think that's most of the truly apalling comments that I read and chuckled about.

One more thing. Please stop blaming the downfall of America on gays. Start looking towards captialism and the fact that alot of parents don't give a crap about their kids, they are merely a means to government cash. Sad, but true, I've worked with the public, it's easy to see.

*stepping off soapbox*

ETA: a few more points about people's ignorance.

sulu, rant

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