Tis the day

Mar 02, 2006 14:39

First, I really have to mention, I've taken laziness to a whole new level. First off, I must mention that we switched our dish provider from Dish Network to DirecTv. Long story short, Dish was fucking around with us, wouldn't fix my line, didn't seem to really care when I lost my signal, so we saw an add for 3 months of cheap movie channels, free DVR, up to 4 rooms installed free including equipment, so we switched. Oh, and if anyone is ever wondering if a DVR is worth it...it so freaking is, though I am slightly bummed since I mentioned this deal around christmas, and have been talking about a DVR for quite some time now, that they put it in a room other than mine, but that's neither here nor there.

Anyway, our new dish has settled me into a new form of laziness. I can autotune everything I want to watch up to 3 days in advance, so I never again have to change the channels. I can use one remote for my tv now, and last but not least, I don't even have to look at the phone anymore to see who's calling, it pops up on my TV screen. Kick ass, no?

First off, I'll get this out of my system....UGH KATE DIE.

Much better. Anyway, this episode was actually quite good (...grrr, why am I sounding more british daily?!). There were alot of things explained, though I haven't quite figured out if I'm satisfied with any of it. I'm slightly disappointed that the farther the series progresses, the farther it seems it moves away from the mystical aspect of things. So now the others are just Dharma scientists, proving that Jack was right all along and pushing the button has been nothing but one huge experiment. Don't get me wrong, I know there's still a million other things that haven't been discussed, or acknowledged, and a million different ways they could still take things. I'm just disappointed that they are going so heavily in the scientific explanation of things, and my biggest fear is that the series finale will be everyone finding out that their past was nothing but a big scam and the only real thing was the island to see how people react to things.

Lame. Lame, lame, lame. Though I am a realist, and I know no matter what, there is very little chance this series ISN'T going to jump the shark on it's last episode. I love the series but I know there's no way they could satisfy everyone, or even make the explanation as satisfying as anything the viewers could imagine on their own.

Anyway, Kate, as always, managed to annoy me this episode. I hate that everyone on this island is mentally challenged when it comes to thinking about trying to get a couple ANSWERS from people who have been on this island WAY longer than they have. That's the most frustrating part, the only people who have really asked questions was Ana Lucia when she was trying to find out what the Others really wanted (and it's just interactions like those that make me wonder if there are actually two sets of Other's on the island...that would be nice).

I'm easily reminded in this episode that Kate was originally concieved to be in Jack's place. They are exactly alike in many respects. They never seem to think more than two steps ahead of where they are to even IMAGINE someone not going the same direction they are. That's why they are both so easily surprised when someone doesn't do what they say. It's a major flaw that these two characters cannot see a bigger picture kind of world. Hell these people have been hanging around each other for 24/7 and they STILL can't see the forest for the trees. No one has bothered to try to understand each other in anyway. That is one of the things I really like about Sawyer, is he is the ONLY person who can actually read people.

Speaking of Sawyer, I loved, loved, LOVED, how Kate just assumed he would hand over a gun to her. Sawyer and Jack aren't wrapped around her little finger like they used to be, and I like that, because now Kate will actually have to start doing things for herself. But she did remind me of Jack, needing a gun right off the bat. I honestly wish these people would lose the guns so they would at least THINK things through before getting one and running out into the jungle all gung ho. The gun was even more useless to Kate since she wasn't even willing to use it! Come on, EVERYONE should know you DON'T pull a gun on someone who is crazy and has nothing to live for unless you FULLY intend to use it. The only reason I can really think she needed the gun was so we could see how different Sawyer is to Kate. Sawyer actually DOES care about what's going on with everyone around them, and was prefectly willing to not only NOT go along with the group, but to keep the trek to himself. Kate couldn't have managed that if the monster was on her tail.

I would love to see more interaction between Sun and Claire, I think they could learn alot from each other. Sun could regain the youthful exuberance she lost when her husband became a man neither of them liked, and Claire could learn this quiet wisdom that Sun just seems to own completely. Sun also has a WAY better bedside manner than Jack. Whether she thought it was a good idea or not, she voiced her opinion, and then allowed Claire to do what she needed to do. Jack couldn't have done that if Eko was chasing him with his Jesus stick.

I'm not sure what I think about the Other's being Dharma guys in theaterical makeup and costumes. It makes alot of things seem almost useless, and even moe things impossible. If it's all one big experiment then there's alot of reliance on coincidences, and there's no way anyone could be sure people would make the decisions and be in the places they "need" to be in. But I won't think about that too much, it'll hurt my brain and make me roll my eyes more than Tina on The L Word.

Kudos are in order for TPTB on this show though. I LOVE that they got a girl who looks ALOT like Mira Furlan to play Rousseau's daughter. Well, who we assume to be Rousseau's daughter.

Other than the Henry Gale story, not much happened. Though I do completely believe Henry Gale is definitely an "Other", if only for the fact he so expertly planted a tiny seed in Locke. Like Sawyer, this guy can read people, and no matter how serene Locke may be on the outside, it's ALWAYS been a power struggle between him and Jack, and of COURSE it's going to bother him when an outsider views Jack as the leader. Jack and Locke no more "talk" about decisions being made than Sawyer plans on giving the guns back. Jack and Locke are terrible leaders, neither willing to accept failure, OR other people's views. Jack gets a threat from the Others, his reaction, start an army. Not find the others and talk things through. No, just start an army.

Ah well, my thoughts were going to be a little more cohesive, but I'm dead tired for some reason today *chugs more coffee and tea*. I'll be glad when Friday gets here, it's DONUT DAY!!!

tv, work, lost

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