Courtesy of my mistress, candesgirl. My three to choose from are Simm!Master, Ianto Jones and Gene Hunt. I think I'd have to start off easy - I think I'd marry Ianto because he's very loyal to those he loves, he's incredibly well-dressed and has innovative uses for stopwatches. I'd shag Gene because.....he's the Gene Genie. I'd even shag him on Sam's small creaky ass bed as Sam watched. But I can't cliff him because deep down he's an honorable, lovely man. ANd he belongs to Sam, so I can't marry him And now I have to be honest, I'm more in love with the Master than both of them, because he's smart, sexy, kinky as hell, knows how to follow a plan, and well dressed too. I do know he has his bad side - he's more obsessed with his former Timelord lover than he would ever be with me, and he has a definite lack of empathy for others, and he keeps blabbering on about the drums in his head so I guess I'd have to cliff him. The bonus to that is that he would probably think it was one of our incredibly hot sex games and not take offense that I tried to kill him since we both know he would just regenerate. And he would punish me in the most painfully erotic way:) ))