Never Again

May 06, 2008 18:02

Wow, i did somthing I'd finally been meaning to do for a while. I converted all my MP3's into MP4 or AAC. I had heard that there would be a major size difference after I had dont this but I didn't notice much of a change, this was Sunday nite while I was syncing it before I left for work. Almost a third of the stuff on my ipod had duplicates. And I thought I had gotten rid of all the duplicates at this point. I am still finding duplicates. I also went with a lower bitrate than what the mp3's had i dropped down to 128 which is the High setting in iTunes. I really don't notice much of a difference at the lower bitrate. Most of the mp3's were at 192 or 253 setting. I am vowing here and now to never rip another CD to Mp3 just cause i think I may one day want to put it on my phone for some strange reason. And the ones I download will be being converted to AAC from now on as well. I have even begun using .h264 when I convert a DVD for the iPod. I have finally managed to fill up almost the entire 80 GB's of space to. I went a lil video crazy while back and have begun taking the ones I'll prolly never watch on my ipod off. heh I should prolly start going through and do that with the music to but I bought the dang thing so that I could carry my entire music collection around with me.

Well the music was my project for the weekend. Bill has left for San Diego, well he left Saturday morning. It's strange him not being here. As much as he annoy's me at times I guess I do like having him around here. The cat seems to miss him to. She is having nothing what so ever to do with me still and this is Wednesday.. well she did remind me to fill her bowl this morning becuase it wasn't the FIRSt thing I did coming in the door, I guess I'm wierd wanting to take my boots off my feet. As soon as I did that she hissed at me to let me know she is still mad at me and has had nothing to do with me since, though she is sleeping on my work pants at the moment looking all sweet so i think she'll be all right. I'm not sure if she is mad because Bill is gone or because I made him help me put flea stuff on her before he left, and this stuff she couldn't lick off though she has tried, it's kind of funny everytime she gets some she immediatly regrets it.. I guess this stuff tastes too awful for her to lick off, i'll have to get it again. She can be as pissy as she wants but I know she is feeling better she's not scratching her self as much. She is due to goto the vet in a couple weeks I'm hoping all will be forgiven by than she can be nasty at times when she wants to be. I put out a little bit of tuna last nite to see if she would eat it.. she shunned it apparently until I left. It was all gone this morning when I got back home.

Work has been strange lately, we fired one of the newer guys, probably sholdn't have taken as long as it did to get rid of him,he had issues that I won't go into on here, but he was a bit unstable, well more so than the rest of us. They didn't bother to replace him. With the market slow as it is right now we are down to running one dryer on our shift so they decided to lay another guy off. Work has been kind of BORING lately and we have barly enough people to run things. If the market dosen't pick up soon i think i'm going to have to finally find somthing else to do for employment. Maybe my mom is right and I should move back to Kansas. She has all kinds of Drama going on I don't want involved in though right now. She was laid off from her job and she has been taking it easy drawing her unemployment not really looking for anything. I have to admit I don't envy my sister right now. I think everyong back there has gone a little crazy since my grandmother died. I am not sure if I put that up here or not now that I think about it. My grandmother died aroudn the first of February. I am glad I got to see her when I went back. She had been sick for such a long time though. Well I think I am done bloggin for the day I should get a lil bit more sleep before work tonite.
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