Feb 04, 2006 01:50
I've noticed a pattern lately. I've recently started wearing a watch again, since... umm highschool. I stopped wearing one when i was a CNA because i didn't want to cause any skin tear's on the residents with it. Thats not a problem anymore since I no longer do that but anyway. I've noticed lately that when i forget to put it on i seem to have a lousy day at work. i think i've forgotten it everyday this week. Not that work has been more terrible than it usually is but I seem to feel that I am missing somthing important all nite which puts me in a negative mood. (wow never thought I'd ever use that term. heh) So it's felt like a pretty cruddy week all this week. The only thing I get to look forward to is my one day off, and a nice paycheck next week... along with with my Federal Incometax return.. YIPPEE. I have a question i'll throw out there for anyone that knows more about this than I do. I now have the opportunity to buy Windows XP MCE edition, or Windows XP X64 (which would take advantage of my new processor) what would you reccomend? I've not seen much software that I would use that is 64 bit anyway, and as there isn't much would it be better to wait for Vista to come out later this year and get Mediacenter for my Mediacenter, or go ahead and get the 64bit XP. Also could someone point me to a good resource site for overclocking the CPU and graphics card.
well I should get back what I was doing. crafting in EQII and burning some dvd's (I love that I can do them both on the same computer at the same time now.