Jul 08, 2008 20:42
Today was the day that I had to go to the doctors to get my mole removed from my leg. A biopsy to see if it's anything to lose sleep over. I wasn't nervous at all about it until I woke up this morning and thought, should I be nervous about this?, which automatically makes you nervous. but I think I did quite well. I sat in the waiting room and then got called in, I followed the nurse into the surgical room, where the surgery would be taking place, naturally. She took my vitals and asked me to lay down on the table. I purposely wore a dress so it would be easy access to my leg and I wouldn't have to change into any sort of gown, but the dress also showed my back and when the doctor came in she checked all my moles again and said I really think we should take the one on your back off as well and the next thing I know I have a shot in my back and a slice of the scalpel, and it's gone. It didn't hurt. I just laid there listening to the mix cd she had playing on a little radio and as soon as I heard Sea of Love come on my nerves were soothed. The Beatles and Bob Dylan songs that followed made me quite relaxed and even content. She kept asking if I felt any pain and I kept saying no and she and the nurse commented on how well I was doing (how can you not do well when you don't feel anything but a few touches?) and she kept kind of looking at me and saying "I can't tell if you feel pain, you're so calm." Oh no, I'm fine I don't feel anything. I felt like I was in there a half hour, but apparently it was an hour. I got two pairs of stitches, one inside my leg and one on the outside which I will have for 3 weeks. the anesthesia is just NOW wearing off (almost 10 hours later) so it's a little painful to walk but I'm doing pretty well considering. the test results should be coming back in a week in a half to two weeks. I guess I could have just said, "I got my mole taken off today" and wrote about something else, but for some reason I like to go into detail about my doctors visits. They're experiences that I'm going through for the first time and feel they should be documented in full.
I will say that I felt good enough to get golden spoon with my mom afterwards and then go to starbucks with stacey. It was nice catching up. Maybe it was kind of not so nice finding things out about people that you knew about in the back of your head but denied it to yourself hoping they were different, but them not being different at all which I've come to accept as an inevitable thing for most people my age. Nobody is holier than thou, nobody is perfect... as much as you wish they would be. Oh well, did I really expect something different?