crest white strips on my teeth. saturday night, helll yeaaaaaaaaaaah

Jul 11, 2009 23:13

 are promises important to you?
of course. why make a promise if it's not important...?

Do you miss the way things used to be?

Did you take a nap today?
i did not, well.. sort of. i woke up at 8.30 and went back to sleep after a litttle bit and woke up after noon. heeeheheheh

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
jason : *

The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?

What's more important, first impression or lasting impact?
lasting impact. i don't know. i feel like this question is re tard ed

Whose car did you ride in last?
ugh, 'mine'

Have you been a happy, angry, confused, or sad person lately?
confusedly happysad. i know. right?

Could things possibly get any better?

Do you ever crack your knuckles/back/neck/ankles/wrists etc?

Could you date someone taller than you?
i would prefer to. 5'2 3/4''

Do you get along better with the same sex or opposite?
depends. i prefer the opposite sex me thinks.

Have you held hands with anyone today?

Has anyone said they love you in the last week?

Have you ever worn the opposite sex's clothing?
mmmmhm! smells so good

Will your next kiss be a mistake?
i surely hope not.

Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow?

Who was the last person who was shirtless in your presence?

Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with?

What's the last movie you saw in the theater and with who?
the proposal with jason

Ever jumped/fallen/been pushed in a pool with your clothes on?

Honestly, has anyone ever seen you in your underwear?
has anyone not seen me in my underwear?

What do you want in a relationship more than anything?

Have you ever had someone pick you up off the ground & carry you, why?
i'm sure, because i wouldn't move dah

Who were you in a car with last?

Have you ever liked someone you didn't expect to?
ha yes. jake dowling in 8th grade. it was un ex pec ted

Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
i do

Do you like to cuddle?
i love to cuddle

When will your next kiss be?
i don't know : /

Has a girl sat on your bed before?

Did you get a full 8 hours of sleep last night?
10 hours

Have you ever been taken to the emergency room in ambulance?
i don't think so

How many piercings do you have? What are they?
6; three/ear

Ever kissed anyone eighteen or older?
cha cha cha

What are you doing tomorrow?
there's talk of seeing a movie because it's supposed to be hot or some sheeeeeet

Have you spoken to your mother today?
yop yop

Do you drink a lot of water?
i drink a lotsa watah

When is the last time you saw number five on your top friends?
HA I DON'T HAVE A NUMBER 5! if i did though, it would be last night. psh, or tuesdaynight. iAMsoFRIENDLY!

Do you think someone is thinking about you?

Did you enjoy your weekend?

Do you regret anything you've done recently?

What do you usually do right when you wake up?
cuddle into my pillow

Are you wearing socks?

Have you ever seen your best friend cry?

Do you believe that cheating is ok?
ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, NO! cheating, to me, is on par with poisoning someone's food.

Do certain songs remind you of certain people?

Last person you hugged?

What will you be doing in a hour?
laying in bed

Have you argued with anyone today?

Red, blue, or black pens?
yep, they all exist!

When someone talks about you, do you get upset?
if they're talking about me in a negative way

How different are you from three years ago?
very. i had less control over myself than i do now (WOW) and i had what felt like a lot of great friends

Do you like your life?

Are your eyes the same color as your mom's or dad's?
not reeeeeeeeeally

What do you think of your number 2 on your top friends?
i wish we connected better

saturday ni-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-t!
and i'm sitting here
on the computer
doing anythinaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag
i sang that. jesus christ on a bicycle. i wish i was 21 ESPECIALLY on nights like these. hell
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