Apr 20, 2007 16:37

This isn't the school~? What is this place anyway! Don't tell me we've been swallowed up by some strange, stupid place again?

Doe! Doe, are you here? I know you're here because you're my sidekick 'cause you have to be!

Come out, come out~ ♥

And Eien, too. Ei~en~?

[ So cursed and hiding behind a mundane disguise - her human self, but warped a little and much happier than when she was before anyway! Hit her up to talk to her in coherency~? :3;; Strikes filtered to dearest darling sidekick you-know-who 8D ]

lois makes her stand, this is a prank it isn't it is, affected like woah, human self, plotplotplotplot, curse day, doe re mi fa so, angel with the white wings

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