Apr 08, 2007 14:58
Two things. I finally got my certificate to get my drivers permit. Took a while it did. And there's this test I have to complete for my trip to Europe, meaning France. It requires a 150 word essay and I'm stalling on it because it freaks me out. I go between being terrified of this trip and being really happy about it. It's one heck of a undertaking. I haven't ever been away from immediate family for over 7 weeks before. I've been away from home for 6 and a half but not almost 8. It's a little scary. Unlike some teenagers I'm not screaming for independence. Independence means responsibility and responsibility can become awfully heavy. Whenever I break I always have at least one person there ready to catch me. I can always call them but I'm a very sensory person. Touch is a comfort when it comes from the right people. I won't have that and I'm a little scared of that. I have to write that essay though. Soon. Damn. God bless all.